Programming the Mobile Web : WebKit CSS Extensions (part 2) - Reflection Effects & Masked Images

1/20/2011 3:33:20 PM

3. Reflection Effects

Reflection or mirror effects are among the most-used effects in Web 2.0 designs. They can be used on any content, including images. Remember, though, that we are designing for mobile screens and we don’t want to waste too much space.


The reflection image doesn’t change the layout or the size of the element’s original content box. It is only part of the container’s overflow.

To create a reflection effect in Safari on iOS, use the -webkit-box-reflect attribute with the following syntax:

-webkit-box-reflect: direction offset <mask-box-image>;

The direction can be above, below, left, or right; the offset is the distance (in px or %) from the original element at which the reflection should appear; and the optional mask-box-image is generally a gradient function that will work as a mask for the reflection image. If no mask image is defined, a normal mirror will be used.

The type of reflection effect typically seen on Web 2.0 websites has the following attribute values:

-webkit-box-reflect: below 3px -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom,
from(transparent), color-stop(0.5, transparent), to(white));

4. Masked Images

As of iOS 3.0, we have access to a typical graphic design feature that has been missing for years in web development: masked images. We can use a masked image to apply any regular or irregular crop to the original image or, if using an alpha mask (or even a gradient function), to create a really nice visual effect over any image, like a fuzzy border. The mask properties are analogous to the background properties. For applying a mask, we have a shortcut property, -webkit-mask, and specific properties for the position.

The syntax of the shortcut version with all the optional parameters is:

-webkit-mask: attachment, clip, origin, image, repeat, composite, box-image;

Of course, we also have access to all the properties separately, like -webkit-mask-attachment, -webkit-mask-clip, and so on. There are a lot of possibilities, but typically an image (alpha or not, PNG or SVG) or a gradient function is used as the image value. For example:
<img src="london.png" style="-webkit-mask-image:
-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(0,0,0,1)),
to(rgba(0,0,0,0))); " />

<img src="london.png" style="-webkit-mask-image: url(old_picture_mask.png)" />

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