Programming .NET Framework 3.5 : Using Data Synchronization Services (part 2) - Completing the Service & Completing the Client

2/27/2012 9:49:25 AM
2.2. Completing the Service

Our application is being developed, in part, as a learning tool. To help us present the completion of each individual project as clearly as possible, we are going to separate each project into its own Visual Studio 2008 solution. There is no technical need for doing this, but it does make it easier to focus in on the Data Synchronization Services project first and then the Smart Device client project second.

We begin our work on the service by removing two files that came with the WCF Service project template, as they are not needed for a Data Synchronization Service. We mentioned at the time we added the project that we would be removing them. So, we now delete the IService1.cs and Service1.cs files from the project.

What we now are interested in is the code in the CustCache.SyncContract.cs file. In writing this file, the Configure Data Synchronization Wizard did three things: It made one wrong assumption about our consuming client application, it tried to help us transition the service from a WCF Service to a Data Synchronization Service, and it had to specify a default URL. To complete our service application, we need to address all three.

First, the wrong assumption: The wizard did not know that our client would be a Smart Device client, and that a Smart Device client must use XML serialization when passing objects to/from the service. We need to specify XML serialization, and we do that by adding an [XmlSerializerFormat()] code attribute to the ICustCacheSyncContract definition that is located at the end of the CustCache.SyncContract.cs code file, as shown in Listing 1.

Listing 1. The Attributed ICustCacheSyncContract Class
   public interface ICustCacheSyncContract

      SyncContext ApplyChanges(
                     SyncGroupMetadata groupMetadata,
                     DataSet dataSet,
                     SyncSession syncSession);

      SyncContext GetChanges(
                     SyncGroupMetadata groupMetadata,
                     SyncSession syncSession);

      SyncSchema GetSchema(
                    Collection<string> tableNames,
                    SyncSession syncSession);

      SyncServerInfo GetServerInfo(
                        SyncSession syncSession);

Second, the generated code to help transition the service from a WCF Service to a Data Synchronization Service: The project’s App.Config file contains elements that are applicable to a WCF Service, not to a Data Synchronization Service. At the top of the CustCache.SyncContract.cs code file, as comments, are the suggested replacements that the Configure Data Synchronization Wizard has provided for us. The instructions in the comments tell us to uncomment two elements and replace the corresponding elements in the App.Config file with the uncommented elements.

As we do so, we’ll need to make two changes. We will need to replace the default URL with our service’s actual URL. We must do this, for localhost is meaningless within a Smart Device application (the wizard’s third miscalculation). In our case,



And because we must support Smart Device clients, we must use basic HTTP binding rather than Web Services HTTP binding. Thus,




Once we do so, we have a valid App.Config file.

We also have completed the Data Synchronization Service. We can now turn our attention to our Smart Device client project.

2.3. Completing the Client

When we changed the binding specification of our service to basicHttpBinding, it became a conventional Web service, something that .NET Compact Framework applications have been communicating with for some time now. And almost always, we enable that communication in our Smart Device application by adding a Web reference to the Web service. To add a Web reference, the service must be running, so we go to our service project and run it.


It is important that your client program not be running at this time. If it is, you will be unable to add a Web reference to your client project. If you are still developing both projects within the same solution, running the service will cause the client to be deployed. If that happens, you will need to cancel that deployment.

Once the service is up and running, a default client program is automatically started, a portion of which is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. The Test Client Program Displayed

We are interested in the URL displayed on the second line in the window. It should be exactly what we specified in the baseAddress element of the App.Config file, suffixed with “mex” (which indicates the location for metadata exchange and which you need to ignore when setting the reference). As we saw earlier, in our case this URL is

Thus, we turn to our client project and add a Web reference. In the Add Web Reference dialog, we specify the URL exactly as we specified it in the service’s baseAddress element, beginning with “http” and ending with the trailing “/”. Then we click on the Go arrow, browsing to the service and receiving the service description page, shown in Figure 8, in return.

Figure 8. Setting the Web Reference

We choose a meaningful name for our Web reference and add it to our project. Once it has been added, we expand the files in our Solution Explorer window, as seen in Figure 9, to show the generated proxy code file, Reference.cs.

Figure 9. Solution Explorer Showing Generated Proxy Files

Like other files before it, this file also needs to be modified.

When the proxy code within Reference.cs was generated, one class definition that we need was written, as were several that we do not need. To make a long story as short as we can: The methods of our Data Synchronization Service pass parameters of data types that are defined in the Microsoft.Synchronization namespaces. As an inevitable result of proxy code generation, these classes are redefined as they are added to the proxy class definition; specifically, they are redefined as carriers of data only. That is, all method definitions are lost. Since we wish to use the Microsoft.Synchronization versions and their defined methods, we must delete the generated versions from the proxy code, now and anytime we regenerate the proxy code!

The one class that we do not want to delete should be easy to find. It inherits from SoapHttpClientProtocol, should be the first class in the code file, and should have a name that ends with SyncService. So, open Reference.cs and look for the following line of code:

public partial class CustCacheSyncService

We delete all other classes and add the following using statement at the top of the file:

using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data;

We do not need to add references to the Microsoft.Synchronization libraries, for the Configure Data Synchronization Wizard has already done that for us. When it comes to dealing directly with Visual Studio, its templates, and its wizards, we are done. What is left for us to do is write the functionality of our application.

We’ll add just enough functionality so that we can walk through the following scenario.

  1. Synchronize data with the server.

  2. Make some nonconflicting changes at the device and on the server.

  3. Synchronize data with the server.

  4. Make some conflicting changes at the device and on the server.

  5. Synchronize data with the server.

  6. After each synchronization, examine results, data, and errors.

We begin by opening the form in design mode and then adding a full-screen docked DataGrid control plus a two-entry menu to it, as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. The Main Form and Its Controls

Then we turn to the form’s code file. We’ll need to add the following: namespace declarations for synchronization, for our proxy classes, and for our typed data set; a routine to modify some customer rows; a routine to synchronize our changes with the server; and code to display the results of that synchronization.

We add the namespace declarations at the start of the code thusly:

using Microsoft.Synchronization.Data;
using SyncClnt.WSCustSync;
using SyncClnt.NorthwindDataSetTableAdapters;

namespace SyncClnt
   public partial class FormData : Form

In the form’s Load event we create a typed data set and a table adapter for later use, like so:

private void FormData_Load(object sender,
                           EventArgs e)
   dsetNorthwind = new NorthwindDataSet();
   daptCust = new CustomersTableAdapter();

To modify some data at the device, modifications that will then need to be synchronized with the server, we iterate through the rows of the Customers data table. Every customer whose CustomerId starts with the letter A will have “** ” injected into the start of his CustomerName field. This code appears in Listing 2.

Listing 2. The Data Modification Routine
private void mitemModifyData_Click(object sender,
                                   EventArgs e)
   Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
   foreach (NorthwindDataSet.CustomersRow rowCustomer
            in dsetNorthwind.Customers)
      if (rowCustomer.CustomerID.StartsWith("A"))
         rowCustomer.CompanyName =
            "** " + rowCustomer.CompanyName;
   Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

Listing 3 shows the routine for doing the synchronization of our changes with the server’s data store, via the service. It is well annotated. Any class name that contains the word Cust was written by one of the wizards that we walked through. Any class name that contains the word Sync, but not the word Cust, is defined in one of the Microsoft.Synchronization libraries that the project references.

Listing 3. The Data Synchronization Routine
private SyncStatistics SyncCustomers()
   SyncStatistics syncStats;
   {  // Create a proxy object for the synch service.
      //    Use it to create a generic proxy object.
      ServerSyncProviderProxy prxCustSync =
          new ServerSyncProviderProxy(
             new CustCacheSyncService());

     // Create the sync agent
     //    for the Customer table.
      //    Assign the proxy object to it.
      //    Set it for bi-directional sync.
      CustCacheSyncAgent syncAgent =
         new CustCacheSyncAgent();
      syncAgent.RemoteProvider = prxCustSync;
      syncAgent.Customers.SyncDirection =

      // Sync changes with the server.
      syncStats = syncAgent.Synchronize();

      // The above call to syncAgent.Synchronize
      //    retrieved all Customer table changes
      //    that had were made at the server
      //    between the previous call and this
      //    call and placed them in our
      //    SQL Server CE Northwind database here
      //    on the device.
      // We need to display that table to
      //    our user.  We will use a data bound
      //    data table to do so.
      dgridCustomers.DataSource =
   catch (Exception exSync)
   return syncStats;


Note that the routine first creates a proxy object for our service and then uses that proxy object in the creation of another, more generic, proxy object. Then the SyncAgent is created and is passed a reference to the generic proxy object. Once any other SynchAgent properties have been set, the agent knows what needs to be synchronized and what service to use to do it. The agent’s Synchronize method then does the synchronization and returns the results in a SyncStats structure.

The SynchAgent object is the keystone object of data synchronization. Although it is located on the device, you want to think of it as sitting between the server-side data store and the client-side SQL Server CE database. Anything that your application needs to do at runtime to influence or alter the behavior of a synchronization will be done by invoking methods of, or setting properties of, or responding to events raised by the SynchAgent object or one of its contained objects.

For example, later in this demo we will need to obtain information about rows that failed to synchronize. We will do that by handling an event that is raised by an object that is contained within the SynchAgent object.

One last comment on our synchronization code: Immediately after the synchronization, we load the rows of the SQL Server CE’s Northwind Customers table into the typed data set’s Customers table. Normally, this is not a good idea. The data set contains the data that we attempted to upload to the server. After synchronization, the SQL Server CE database contains the data that was received from the server. If the synchronization of a row failed, the client-side version will be in the data set table; the server-side version will be in the SQL Server CE table. We might want access to both as we are reconciling the differences.

In the menu selection that initiates the synchronization, we do some UI setup, call our synchronizing routine, and display the results. Listing 4 shows this code.

Listing 4. The Synchronization Menu Handler
private void mitemSynchronize_Click(object sender,
                                    EventArgs e)
   Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
   SyncStatistics syncStats = SyncCustomers();
              "{1} {2}.{0}" +
              "{3} {4}.{0}" +
              "{5} {6}.{0}" +
              "{7} {8}.{0}",
              "Rows sent - total",
              "Rows sent - succeeded",
              "Rows received - total",
              "Rows received - succeeded",
   Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;


That’s it for adding code to our application. Now it’s time to run the application and see what happens.

We start by running the application and selecting Synchronize from the menu, twice if necessary, to ensure that the data on the device and on the server are identical, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. The Device Synced with the Server

Now we use our data modification routine to make changes to our client version of the data; see Figure 12. And we use SQL Server’s Management Studio to make nonconflicting changes to the data on the server. We insert a few $s into the CompanyName column of the first two B customers, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 12. Pending Client-Side Changes

Figure 13. Pending Server-Side Changes

Now we can synchronize. Once again we select our Synchronize menu selection. This time we receive the response shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Viewing the Nonconflicting Results

From Figure 13, we can see that our four modified rows were sent to the server, modified at the server, and echoed back to us. Why were our modified rows returned to us? For the same reason that so many of you have written code that immediately retrieved newly inserted/updated rows. Inserted/updated rows often contain values that were supplied not by the client but rather by the database engine. System-assigned primary keys, GUID columns, default values, and trigger-generated values are all examples of this. Rather than the client having to ask for the newly inserted/modified row, the service returns the row to the client automatically.

Also, we can see that the rows that were added by some other client, in this case Management Studio, are also delivered to our client, as we would expect.

Now let’s try some conflicting updates. First, we set the data back to what it was when we began our demo. Again we synchronize, twice if necessary, to ensure that the data in both locations is identical. (Refer back to Figure 11.) As before, we modify data on the device by running the data modification routine. (Refer back to Figure 12.) But this time, in Management Studio, we modify two of the same rows that we are concurrently modifying on the device, as shown in Figure 15. When we synchronize the device, we receive the results shown in Figure 16.

Figure 15. Modifying the Two Rows

Figure 15. Viewing the Conflicting Results

Of the four rows that were returned to our device, two are the two rows that we sent to the server and were accepted at the server, including any values that were added on the server as the row was being inserted/updated. The other two are the two rows that we sent to the server that were not accepted at the server. What is sent back to the device is the row as it now exists on the server. That is, we now have the server-side version of the row, which we can present to the user to see whether she wants to resubmit the same update.

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