iPhone 3D Programming : Textures and Image Capture - Texture Compression with PVRTC

2/5/2011 9:56:01 AM
Textures are often the biggest memory hog in graphically intense applications. Block compression is a technique that’s quite popular in real-time graphics, even on desktop platforms. Like JPEG compression, it can cause a loss of image quality, but unlike JPEG, its compression ratio is constant and deterministic. If you know the width and height of your original image, then it’s simple to compute the number of bytes in the compressed image.

Block compression is particularly good at photographs, and in some cases it’s difficult to notice the quality loss. The noise is much more noticeable when applied to images with regions of solid color, such as vector-based graphics and text.

I strongly encourage you to use block compression when it doesn’t make a noticeable difference in image quality. Not only does it reduce your memory footprint, but it can boost performance as well, because of increased cache coherency. The iPhone supports a specific type of block compression called PVRTC, named after the PowerVR chip that serves as the iPhone’s graphics processor. PVRTC has four variants, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. PVRTC formats
GL formatContains alphaCompression ratio[6]Byte count
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMGYes8:1Max(32, Width * Height / 2)
GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMGNo6:1Max(32, Width * Height / 2)
GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMGYes16:1Max(32, Width * Height / 4)
GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMGNo12:1Max(32, Width * Height / 4)

[6] Compared to a format with 8 bits per component.


Be aware of some important restrictions with PVRTC textures: the image must be square, and its width/height must be a power of two.

The iPhone SDK comes with a command-line program called texturetool that you can use to generate PVRTC data from an uncompressed image, and it’s located here:


It’s possible Apple has modified the path since the time of this writing, so I recommend verifying the location of texturetool using the Spotlight feature in Mac OS X. By the way, there actually several command-line tools at this location (including a rather cool one called pngcrush). They’re worth a closer look!

Here’s how you could use texturetool to convert Grid16.png into a compressed image called Grid16.pvr:

texturetool -m -e PVRTC -f PVR -p Preview.png -o Grid16.pvr Grid16.png 

Some of the parameters are explained here.


Generate mipmaps.


Use PVRTC compression. This can be tweaked with additional parameters, explained here.

-f PVR

This may seem redundant, but it chooses the file format rather than the encoding. The PVR format includes a simple header before the image data that contains size and format information. I’ll explain how to parse the header later.

-p PreviewFile

This is an optional PNG file that gets generated to allow you to preview the quality loss caused by compression.

-o OutFile

This is the name of the resulting PVR file.

The encoding argument can be tweaked with optional arguments. Here are some examples:

-e PVRTC --bits-per-pixel-2

Specifies a 2-bits-per-pixel encoding.

-e PVRTC --bits-per-pixel-4

Specifies a 4-bits-per-pixel encoding. This is the default, so there’s not much reason to include it on the command line.

-e PVRTC --channel-weighting-perceptual -bits-per-pixel-2

Use perceptual compression and a 2-bits-per-pixel format. Perceptual compression doesn’t change the format of the image data; rather, it tweaks the compression algorithm such that the green channel preserves more quality than the red and blue channels. Humans are more sensitive to variations in green.

-e PVRTC --channel-weighting-linear

Apply compression equally to all color components. This defaults to “on,” so there’s no need to specify it explicitly.


At the time of this writing, texturetool does not include an argument to control whether the resulting image has an alpha channel. It automatically determines this based on the source format.

Rather than executing texturetool from the command line, you can make it an automatic step in Xcode’s build process. Go ahead and perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the Targets group, and then choose AddNew Build PhaseNew Run Script Build Phase.

  2. There is lots of stuff in next dialog:

    1. Leave the shell as /bin/sh.

    2. Enter this directly into the script box:

      ${BIN}/texturetool -m -f PVR -e PVRTC $INFILE -o $OUTFILE
    3. Add this to Input Files:


      Add this to Output Files:

      These fields are important to set because they make Xcode smart about rebuilding; in other words, it should run the script only when the input file has been modified.
    4. Close the dialog by clicking the X in the upper-left corner.

  3. Open the Targets group and its child node. Drag the Run Script item so that it appears before the Copy Bundle Resources item. You can also rename it if you’d like; simply right-click it and choose Rename.

  4. Build your project once to run the script. Verify that the resulting PVRTC file exists. Don’t try running yet.

  5. Add Grid16.pvr to your project (right-click the Textures group, select AddExisting Files and choose Grid16.pvr). Since it’s a build artifact, I don’t recommend checking it into your source code control system. Xcode gracefully handles missing files by highlighting them in red.

  6. Make sure that Xcode doesn’t needlessly rerun the script when the source file hasn’t been modified. If it does, then there could be a typo in script dialog. (Simply double-click the Run Script phase to reopen the script dialog.)

Before moving on to the implementation, we need to incorporate a couple source files from Imagination Technology’s PowerVR SDK.

  1. Click the link for “Khronos OpenGL ES 2.0 SDKs for PowerVR SGX family.”

  2. Select the download link under Mac OS / iPhone 3GS.

  3. In your Xcode project, create a new group called PowerVR. Right-click the new group, and choose Get Info. To the right of the “Path” label on the General tab, click Choose and create a New Folder called PowerVR. Click Choose and close the group info window.

  4. After opening up the tarball, look for PVRTTexture.h and PVRTGlobal.h in the Tools folder. Drag these files to the PowerVR group, check the “Copy items” checkbox in the dialog that appears, and then click Add.

Enough Xcode shenanigans, let’s get back to writing real code. Before adding PVR support to the ResourceManager class, we need to make some enhancements to Interfaces.hpp. These changes are highlighted in bold in Example 1.

Example 5. Adding PVRTC support to Interfaces.hpp
enum TextureFormat {

struct TextureDescription {
TextureFormat Format;
int BitsPerComponent;
ivec2 Size;
int MipCount;

// ...

struct IResourceManager {
virtual string GetResourcePath() const = 0;
virtual TextureDescription LoadPvrImage(const string& filename) = 0;
virtual TextureDescription LoadPngImage(const string& filename) = 0;
virtual void* GetImageData() = 0;
virtual ivec2 GetImageSize() = 0;
virtual void UnloadImage() = 0;
virtual ~IResourceManager() {}

Example 2 shows the implementation of LoadPvrImage (you’ll replace everything within the class definition except the GetResourcePath and LoadPngImage methods). It parses the header fields by simply casting the data pointer to a pointer-to-struct. The size of the struct isn’t necessarily the size of the header, so the GetImageData method looks at the dwHeaderSize field to determine where the raw data starts.

Example 2. Adding PVRTC support to

#import "../PowerVR/PVRTTexture.h"

class ResourceManager : public IResourceManager {

// ...

TextureDescription LoadPvrImage(const string& file)
NSString* basePath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:file.c_str()];
NSString* resourcePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath];
NSString* fullPath = [resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:basePath];

m_imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:fullPath];
m_hasPvrHeader = true;
PVR_Texture_Header* header = (PVR_Texture_Header*) [m_imageData bytes];
bool hasAlpha = header->dwAlphaBitMask ? true : false;

TextureDescription description;
switch (header->dwpfFlags & PVRTEX_PIXELTYPE) {
case OGL_PVRTC2:
description.Format = hasAlpha ? TextureFormatPvrtcRgba2 :
case OGL_PVRTC4:
description.Format = hasAlpha ? TextureFormatPvrtcRgba4 :
assert(!"Unsupported PVR image.");

description.Size.x = header->dwWidth;
description.Size.y = header->dwHeight;
description.MipCount = header->dwMipMapCount;
return description;
void* GetImageData()
if (!m_hasPvrHeader)
return (void*) [m_imageData bytes];

PVR_Texture_Header* header = (PVR_Texture_Header*) [m_imageData bytes];
char* data = (char*) [m_imageData bytes];
unsigned int headerSize = header->dwHeaderSize;
return data + headerSize;
void UnloadImage()
m_imageData = 0;
NSData* m_imageData;
bool m_hasPvrHeader;
ivec2 m_imageSize;

Note that we changed the type of m_imageData from CFDataRef to NSData*. Since we create the NSData object using autorelease semantics, there’s no need to call a release function in the UnloadImage() method.


CFDataRef and NSData are said to be “toll-free bridged,” meaning they are interchangeable in function calls. You can think of CFDataRef as being the vanilla C version and NSData as the Objective-C version. I prefer using NSData (in my Objective-C code) because it can work like a C++ smart pointer.

Because of this change, we’ll also need to make one change to LoadPngImage. Find this line:

m_imageData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(cgImage));

and replace it with the following:

CFDataRef dataRef = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(cgImage));
m_imageData = [NSData dataWithData:(NSData*) dataRef];

You should now be able to build and run, although your application is still using the PNG file.

Example 3 adds a new method to the rendering engine for creating a compressed texture object. This code will work under both ES 1.1 and ES 2.0.

Example 3. RenderingEngine::SetPvrTexture()
void SetPvrTexture(const string& name) const;
// ...

void RenderingEngine::SetPvrTexture(const string& filename) const
TextureDescription description =
unsigned char* data =
(unsigned char*) m_resourceManager->GetImageData();
int width = description.Size.x;
int height = description.Size.y;

int bitsPerPixel;
GLenum format;
switch (description.Format) {
case TextureFormatPvrtcRgba2:
bitsPerPixel = 2;
case TextureFormatPvrtcRgb2:
bitsPerPixel = 2;
case TextureFormatPvrtcRgba4:
bitsPerPixel = 4;
case TextureFormatPvrtcRgb4:
bitsPerPixel = 4;

for (int level = 0; width > 0 && height > 0; ++level) {
GLsizei size = std::max(32, width * height * bitsPerPixel / 8);
glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, format, width,
height, 0, size, data);
data += size;
width >>= 1; height >>= 1;


You can now replace this:

with this:

Since the PVR file contains multiple mipmap levels, you’ll also need to remove any code you added for mipmap autogeneration (glGenerateMipmap under ES 2.0, glTexParameter with GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP under ES 1.1).

After rebuilding your project, your app will now be using the compressed texture.

Of particular interest in Example 5-19 is the section that loops over each mipmap level. Rather than calling glTexImage2D, it uses glCompressedTexImage2D to upload the data. Here’s its formal declaration:

void glCompressedTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum format,
GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border,
GLsizei byteCount, const GLvoid* data);


Specifies which binding point to upload the texture to. For ES 1.1, this must be GL_TEXTURE_2D.


Specifies the mipmap level.


Specifies the compression encoding.

width, height

Specifies the dimensions of the image being uploaded.


Must be zero. Texture borders are not supported in OpenGL ES.


The size of data being uploaded. Note that glTexImage2D doesn’t have a parameter like this; for noncompressed data, OpenGL computes the byte count based on the image’s dimensions and format.


Pointer to the compressed data.


In addition to PVRTC formats, the iPhone also supports compressed paletted textures to be conformant to the OpenGL ES 1.1 standard. But, paletted images on the iPhone won’t buy you much; internally they get expanded into normal true-color images.

  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Textures and Image Capture - Texture Formats and Types
  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Textures and Image Capture - Fight Aliasing with Filtering
  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Textures and Image Capture - Texture Coordinates Revisited
  •  Programming with DirectX : Additional Texture Mapping - Sprites
  •  Programming with DirectX : Additional Texture Mapping - Alpha Mapping
  •  Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.0 : Writing Your First Program (part 2) - Running the Same XNA Game on Different Devices
  •  Microsoft XNA Game Studio 3.0 : Writing Your First Program (part 1)
  •  Programming with DirectX : Shading and Surfaces - Additional Texturing Topics
  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Adding Textures to ModelViewer (part 4) - Enabling Textures with ES2::RenderingEngine
  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Adding Textures to ModelViewer (part 3) - Enabling Textures with ES1::RenderingEngine
  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Adding Textures to ModelViewer (part 2) - Generating Texture Coordinates
  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Adding Textures to ModelViewer (part 1) - Enhancing IResourceManager
  •  Programming with DirectX : Shading and Surfaces - Implementing Texture Mapping (part 2) - Multi Texture Demo
  •  Programming with DirectX : Shading and Surfaces - Implementing Texture Mapping (part 1) - 2D Texture Mapping Demo
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  •  iPhone 3D Programming : Adding Depth and Realism - Loading Geometry from OBJ Files
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  •  Programming with DirectX : Textures in Direct3D 10 (part 2)
  •  Programming with DirectX : Textures in Direct3D 10 (part 1) - Textures Coordinates
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