Pixelmator - easy steps using this Mac App store download
Step 1
To open your start photo go to File>Open. Use the Zoom
tool located in the side bar and draw around the mount to get in close to those

Step 1
Step 2
Select the Lasso tool. To draw around the first tooth, click
and hold then trace the shape, ending where you started to create an active

Step 2
Step 3
Press Cmd/Ctrl+C to copy the selection then Cmd/Ctrl+V to
paste onto its own layer. Go to Edit>Transform and rotate the shape to
straighten the tooth.

Step 3
Step 4
Once nudge into place, select the Clone Stamp and the
Background layer, then Alt + click an area to sample. Paint over to hide the
underlying teeth.

Step 4
Step 5
Press Cmd/Ctrl+Z to undo any action. Work zoomed in close
and use the Clone Stamp tool to fix any wonky tooth edges. Repeat to fix other
wonky teeth.

Step 5
Photostudio 6 – not amazing and results, but a definite improvement!
Step 1
This program is similar to the other, go to File>Open.
Zoom into the mouth region once more select the Magnetic Lasso tool from the
side bar.

Step 1
Step 2
Click and draw around the first wonky tooth and finish by
double-clicking to create an. Press Cmd/Ctrl+C to copy.

Step 2
Step 3
Press Cmd/Ctrl+V to paste the selection onto a Layer. Click
onto the new layer in the Layers palette then select the Transform tool from
the toolbar.

Step 3
Step 4
Hover outside the transform box to activate rotate, turn
until as desired then hit Enter and nudge into position. Repeat for the other

Step 4
Step 5
Click onto the Background Layer and select the Clone tool.
Shift + click to sample an area and then paint over the unwanted teeth.

Step 5
Whiter and brighter

Whiter and
Before making any tooth correction, always adjust the colour
and tweak the lighting.
One way to make pearly whites sparkle is to use the Dodge
tool. Select it from the side toolbar (CS5 and Elemetns), set it to Midtones
and 20% exposure then paint over the teeth on the photo.
Another way is to add a new layer, select the Brush tool,
set to white and 20% Opacity. Paint over the teeth then lower the opacity of
the layer until they look natural.
3 of the best smile finishing tips
Blur tool
If you cut-out teeth look a bit harsh, ten add a slight
blur. Select the Blur tool at a low strength then carefully paint over the
tooth edge to soften.

Blur tool
Add some width
If the teeth no longer touch each other now they are
rotated, simply enlarge the tooth or make it a little wider, but remember to
keep it looking natural.

Add some width
Clone tools
Spend time using the Clone tool to paint out the teeth
visible on the underlying layers. Also use the tool to touch up any wonky edges
or stains to make them look perfect!

Clone tools