Programming WCF Services : Security - Intranet Application Scenario (part 1) - Securing the Intranet Bindings

10/15/2013 7:39:30 PM
The characteristics of the intranet application are that both the clients and the service use WCF, and that they are deployed in the same intranet. The clients reside behind the firewall, and you can use Windows-based security for transfer security, authentication, and authorization. You can rely on Windows accounts and groups to store the client’s credentials. The intranet scenario addresses a wide range of business applications, from finance to manufacturing to in-house IT applications. The intranet scenario is also the richest scenario of all in the options it offers developers for configuring security.

This section on the intranet scenario will define the terminology, techniques, and types used in the other scenarios.

1. Securing the Intranet Bindings

For the intranet scenario, you should use the intranet bindings: namely, NetTcpBinding, NetNamedPipeBinding, and NetMsmqBinding. You can rely on Transport mode for transfer security because the calls are invariably point-to-point. Conveniently, Transport security is the default transfer mode of the intranet bindings (see Table 1). You can also use the default for the client credentials type, which is Windows (see Table 2). You need to configure this on both the client and the service.

1.1. Transport security protection level

Each of the three intranet bindings has a configurable protection level, which is the master switch for Transport protection. The three protection levels are:


When configured for this protection level, WCF does not protect the message on transfer from the client to the service. Any malicious party can read the content of the message, or even alter it.


When configured for this protection level, WCF ensures that the message could have come only from an authenticated sender and that the message integrity was not compromised during transfer. To accomplish this, WCF appends an encrypted checksum to the message. Upon receiving the message, the service calculates the checksum and compares it to the original. If the two do not match, the message is rejected. As a result, the message is impervious to tampering. However, the message content is still visible during the transfer.

Encrypted and Signed

When configured for this protection level, WCF both signs the message and encrypts its content. The Encrypted and Signed protection level provides integrity, privacy, and authenticity.

The Signed protection level offers a clear trade-off between a measured degree of security and performance. However, I consider this to be a trade-off to avoid, and I recommend that you always opt instead for the Encrypted and Signed protection level. WCF represents the protection level with the ProtectionLevel enum, defined as:

public enum ProtectionLevel

Not all Internet bindings default to the same protection level. Both the NetTcpBinding and the NetNamedPipeBinding default to Encrypted and Signed, yet the NetMsmqBinding defaults to Signed.

1.2. NetTcpBinding configuration

NetTcpBinding takes a construction parameter indicating the desired transfer security mode:

public class NetTcpBinding : ...
public NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode securityMode);
public NetTcpSecurity Security
//More members

The Security property of the type NetTcpSecurity contains the transfer mode (Transport or Message) and two respective properties with their specific settings:

public sealed class NetTcpSecurity
public SecurityMode Mode
public MessageSecurityOverTcp Message
public TcpTransportSecurity Transport

In the intranet security scenario, you should select Transport security for the transfer security mode and set the values of the Transport property of the type TcpTransportSecurity:

public sealed class TcpTransportSecurity
public TcpClientCredentialType ClientCredentialType

public ProtectionLevel ProtectionLevel

The Transfer property should be initialized with the client credential type set to Windows using the TcpClientCredentialType enum, defined as:

public enum TcpClientCredentialType

The Transport property should also have the protection level set to ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign. Since both of those settings are the defaults for this binding, these two declarations are equivalent:

NetTcpBinding binding1 = new NetTcpBinding();

NetTcpBinding binding2 = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport);
binding2.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType =
binding2.Security.Transport.ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;

Alternatively, you can configure the binding using a config file:

<binding name = "TCPWindowsSecurity">
<security mode = "Transport">
clientCredentialType = "Windows"
protectionLevel = "EncryptAndSign"


The NetTcpContextBinding and the WSHttpContextBinding also offer the ContextProtectionLevel property of the type ProtectionLevel, used to indicate the desired protection level for the custom context. ContextProtectionLevel defaults to ProtectionLevel.Sign. When using Transport security, the value of ContextProtectionLevel
is ignored (since the transport protects the whole message during transfer). Due to a bug in WCF, it is also ignored when using Message security.

For the sake of completeness, although it’s not required by the intranet scenario, here is how to configure NetTcpBinding for Message security with username client credentials:

public enum MessageCredentialType
public sealed class MessageSecurityOverTcp
public MessageCredentialType ClientCredentialType
//More members
NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Message);
binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.UserName;

NetTcpSecurity offers the Message property of the type MessageSecurityOverTcp. You’ll need to set the credentials type using the MessageCredentialType enum. Most bindings use the MessageCredentialType enum for representing Message security client credentials.

Figure 1 shows the security-related elements of the NetTcpBinding.

Figure 1. NetTcpBinding and security

NetTcpBinding has a reference to NetTcpSecurity, which uses the SecurityMode enum to indicate the transfer security mode. When Transport security is used, NetTcpSecurity will use an instance of TcpTransportSecurity containing the client credentials type via the TcpClientCredentialType enum and the configured protection level via the ProtectionLevel enum. When Message security is used, NetTcpSecurity will use an instance of MessageSecurityOverTcp containing the client credentials type via the MessageCredentialType enum.

1.3. NetNamedPipeBinding configuration

NetNamedPipeBinding takes a construction parameter indicating the desired transfer security mode:

public class NetNamedPipeBinding : Binding,...
public NetNamedPipeBinding(NetNamedPipeSecurityMode securityMode);

public NetNamedPipeSecurity Security
//More members

The Security property of the type NetNamedPipeSecurity contains the transfer mode (Transport or None) and a single property with the specific Transport settings:

public sealed class NetNamedPipeSecurity
public NetNamedPipeSecurityMode Mode
public NamedPipeTransportSecurity Transport

For the intranet security scenario, select Transport security for the transfer security mode and set the values of the Transport property of the type NamedPipeTransportSecurity:

public sealed class NamedPipeTransportSecurity
public ProtectionLevel ProtectionLevel

The Transfer property should be initialized with the protection level set to ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign. Because this is the default for the binding, these two declarations are equivalent:

NetNamedPipeBinding binding1 = new NetNamedPipeBinding();

NetNamedPipeBinding binding2 = new NetNamedPipeBinding(
binding2.Security.Transport.ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;

You can also configure the binding administratively, using a config file:

<binding name = "IPCWindowsSecurity">
<security mode = "Transport">
<transport protectionLevel = "EncryptAndSign"/>

There is no need (or option) to set the client credentials type, since only Windows credentials are supported (see Table 2). Figure 2 shows the security-related elements of the NetNamedPipeBinding.

Figure 2. NetNamedPipeBinding and security

NetNamedPipeBinding has a reference to NetNamedPipeSecurity, which uses the NetNamedPipeSecurityMode enum to indicate the transfer security mode. When Transport security is used, NetTcpSecurity will use an instance of NamedPipeTransportSecurity containing the configured protection level via the ProtectionLevel enum.

1.4. NetMsmqBinding configuration

NetMsmqBinding offers a construction parameter for the transfer security mode and a Security property:

public class NetMsmqBinding : MsmqBindingBase
public NetMsmqBinding(NetMsmqSecurityMode securityMode);
public NetMsmqSecurity Security
//More members

The Security property of the type NetMsmqSecurity contains the transfer mode (Transport or Message) and two respective properties with their specific settings:

public sealed class NetMsmqSecurity
public NetMsmqSecurityMode Mode
public MsmqTransportSecurity Transport
public MessageSecurityOverMsmq Message

For the intranet security scenario, select Transport security for the transfer security mode and set the values of the Transport property of the type MsmqTransportSecurity:

public sealed class MsmqTransportSecurity
public MsmqAuthenticationMode MsmqAuthenticationMode
public ProtectionLevel MsmqProtectionLevel
//More members

The Transfer property should be initialized with the client credential type set to Windows domain using the MsmqAuthenticationMode enum, defined as:

public enum MsmqAuthenticationMode

Windows domain is the default credentials type. In addition, you need to set the protection level to ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign because the MSMQ binding defaults to ProtectionLevel.Signed. The following two definitions are equivalent:

NetMsmqBinding binding1 = new NetMsmqBinding();
binding1.Security.Transport.MsmqProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;

NetMsmqBinding binding2 = new NetMsmqBinding();
binding2.Security.Mode = NetMsmqSecurityMode.Transport;
binding2.Security.Transport.MsmqAuthenticationMode =
binding2.Security.Transport.MsmqProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;

Alternatively, you can configure the binding using a config file:

<binding name = "MSMQWindowsSecurity">
<security mode = "Transport">
msmqAuthenticationMode = "WindowsDomain"
msmqProtectionLevel = "EncryptAndSign"

Figure 3 shows the security-related elements of the NetMsmqBinding.

Figure 3. NetMsmqBinding and security

NetMsmqBinding has a reference to NetMsmqSecurity, which uses the NetMsmqSecurityMode enum to indicate the transfer security mode. When Transport security is used, NetMsmqSecurity will use an instance of MsmqTransportSecurity containing the client credentials type via the MsmqAuthenticationMode enum, and the configured protection level via the ProtectionLevel enum. There are similar references to types controlling Message security.
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