A Look At Open Source Nosql Databases And Cloud Computing (Part 2)

7/10/2013 11:47:47 AM

Apache CouchDB

Apache CouchDB is an open source NoSQL database. CouchDB uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation, lightweight data-interchange format) to store data. JavaScript is used as its query language. CouchDB is published via the Apache Software Foundation in 2008. In CouchDB, each database is a collection of independent documents. Each document manages its own data and metadata (self-contained schema). CouchDB is ideal in situations where a network connection is not guaranteed, due to its replication and synchronization capabilities. The BBC uses it for its dynamic content platforms. It can be used in applications such as CRM and CMS, where data is changed occasionally, and versioning is crucial. Cloudant is an enterprise software company that provides an open source distributed database service based on the Apache CouchDB project.

This is big news as this version includes Apache CouchDB, used as a replicable database by desktop apps.

This is big news as this version includes Apache CouchDB, used as a replicable database by desktop apps.

Its features are:

§  CouchDB provides ACID semantics by implementing a form of Multi-Version Concurrency Control (high volume of concurrent readers and writers without conflict).

§  CouchDB supports bi-directional replication (or synchronization) and offline operation.

§  Unique URI that gets exposed via HTTP. REST uses the POST, GET, PUT and DELETE HTTP methods for the four CRUD operations.

§  It assures eventual consistency (a model used in the domain of parallel programming) to be able to provide both availability and partition tolerance.


MongoDB is an open source, scalable, high-performance, and document-oriented database optimized for highly transient data, and is written in C++. It provides a RESTful API. A free cloud-based monitoring service is provided for MongoDB deployments. It supports search by range queries, fields and regular expressions. Master-slave replication is supported, where the master can perform read and writes operations, while slaves can read or take back-ups. MongoDB supports horizontal scaling with the use of sharing. It can be effectively used as efficient file storage, which is capable of taking the benefits of load balancing and data replication. Use-cases:

§  Flexible schemas are the best fit for document and content management systems.

§  Good fit in conjunction with RDBMS, for e-commerce infrastructure.

§  Good fit for gaming, due to high read-write performance.

§  Very efficient for server-side infrastructure of mobile applications

Graph databases

Graph databases store graph-oriented data with nodes – entities such as people, businesses, accounts and edges. They connect nodes to nodes, or nodes to properties, and represent the relationship and properties, where every element holds a direct pointer to its neighboring element, and no index lookups are required. They are commonly used to store associations in social networks. Graph databases are often faster for associative datasets than traditional databases. They can scale logically to large datasets, as they do not usually require costly join operations. They are a powerful tool for graph-like queries, such as computing the shortest path between two nodes in the graph.


Neo4j is an open source property graph database implemented in Java. It stores data structured in graphs. The graph-based model makes Neo4j highly agile and fast. It is massively scalable, up to several billion nodes, and highly available when distributed across multiple nodes. It can be easily embedded by including the Neo4j library JARs in your build. Neo4j in high-availability mode has a single master and zero, or more slaves and can handle write requests on all machines, so there is no need to redirect those to the master. A slave can handle writes by synchronizing with the master to maintain consistency. All updates propagate from the master to other slaves in due course, so a write from one slave may not be immediately visible on all other slaves.

Figure 4: HA in Neo4J

Figure 4: HA in Neo4J


FlockDB is an open source, fault-tolerant, and distributed graph database licensed under the Apache license for managing data on the Web scale. Twitter used it to build the user database and manage relationships. It can be efficiently used in high-throughput and low-latency environments. FlockDB was created by Twitter for relationship-related analytics. This database stores graph data that is optimized for very large adjacency lists, and quick reads and writes, but is not optimized for graph traversal operations.

In FlockDB, graphs are stored as sets of edges between nodes, which are identified by 64-bit integers. Each edge between nodes is also marked with a 64-bit position. Edges can be used for sorting. For social graphs, integer node IDs will be user IDs, while in a graph containing favorite tweets, the destination will be a tweet ID.

Key-value stores

Key-value stores store simple key-value pairs, similar to a traditional hash table. The data retrieval paradigm is simple in key/value stores; given a key, they return the value.


Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed DBMS, and an Apache Software Foundation project under the Apache License (version 2.0). It is designed to handle enormous amounts of data spread out across many commodity servers, in traditional or cloud environments, while providing a highly available service with no single point of failure. It is a NoSQL solution that was developed by Facebook, and is now used by companies that have large, active datasets such as eBay, Twitter, Reddit, Cisco, OpenX, Digg, etc.

Features include scalability, fault-tolerance, MapReduce support, and a decentralized architecture.

Figure 5: Data model in Cassandra

Figure 5: Data model in Cassandra


Voldemort is a distributed key-value data store used at LinkedIn for high-scalability storage problems, when simple functional partitioning is not sufficient. It is named after the very popular fictional character from the Harry Potter series – the villain, Lord Voldemort. Voldemort contains in-memory caching with the storage system; hence a separate caching tier is not needed. It supports horizontal scalability for reads and writes. It is more of a fault-tolerant hash table. Its features are:

§  High availability and horizontal scalability for O/R mappers, such as hibernate and active-record

§  Support for distribution across data centers that are far apart, by pluggable data placement strategies

§  Automatic data replication over a large number of servers

§  Versioned data items to maintain and maximize data integrity

§  Transparent failure handling.

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