Blaze Game Gadget
Price: $150

even a store at the above URL, so you'll no longer need to steal ROMs online.
A 3.5in, 320x240 display is just about
enough to do justice to the low-res games of yesterday, and the Game Gadget
also provides a TV-out connector so you can hook it up to a proper telly like
it's 1992. Make has pre-loaded 10 Sega title, which isn't a huge draw as you've
probably bought Golden Axe 20 es already, so the killer feature is its SD card
connectivity. This means there's virtually no limit to the number of original
game ROMs you can whack onto it: in fact It could store every Mega Drive game
ever. There's even a store at the above URL, so you'll no longer need to steal
ROMs online.
Neo Geo
Price: $262.5

in the day, there were your arcade machines and your home consoles.
Back in the day, there were your arcade
machines and your home consoles. Then there was SNK’s Neo geo. It was not like
the others – a mutant hybrid of coin-op and console designed to be bought by
arcade dwellers and serious home gamers. And they had to be very, very serious,
as the enormous game cartridges cost hundreds of pounds a pop. SNK had a brief
handheld-gamin 'flirtation with the excellent Neo Geo Pocket Color back in the
late'90s, but this is far beyond that. Its 4.31n screen does the original
Sprites Justice, and 20 classic titles come pre-loaded for day-one SNK awesomeness.

was not like the others – a mutant hybrid of coin-op and console designed to be
bought by arcade dwellers and serious home gamers.
Sega Nomad
Price: $150

the hardcore Sega Mega Drive fan, there is this: an original piece of hardware
that was only ever released in America.
For the hardcore Sega Mega Drive fan, there
is this: an original piece of hardware that was only ever released in America.
It plays 16-bit Sega Genesis cartridges, although it’ll need region-mudding if
you want to use UK versions. Given its age-it came out in 1995 the Nomad's tech
is naturally a bit dated, but an enthusiast scene has sprung up, which has seen
users switching out the blurry original display for modern alternatives ripped
from PDAs. Battery life is still a bit of a problem, though you won't get much
more than an hour, so don't stray too far from home with it.

life is still a bit of a problem, though you won't get much more than an hour,
so don't stray too far from home with it.