1.12 Managed Metadata Fields
Managed Metadata fields are new in SharePoint 2010. These fields
allow a user to select a value from Managed Metadata Service term
store, which is described in more detail in the next section. Think of
these fields as super selector
fields. After you have configured these fields, you are presented with
a taxonomical tree structure from which to choose a value, as shown in Figure 15.
You can add or modify that structure if you have the appropriate
permissions within the term store. Because these fields leverage the
term store, and the term store is tightly scoped by level, Managed
Metadata fields can provide a consistent metadata selection capability
across sites collections, Web applications, and farms.
Notice the Add New Item link at the top of the page, which can be used to contribute to the term set behind this field.
Managed Metadata fields can be added as columns to content types,
lists, or document libraries. When adding a column, select the Managed
Metadata type from the options list. You will then be able to select a
term set from the term store or create a customized term set for the
new column. A customized term set will be stored in the term store
within the group created for the local site collection and can be
promoted to the enterprise taxonomy at a later time by a term store
manager, a group manager, or a contributor. Figures Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the options available for selecting or creating a term set when creating a new Managed Metadata field.