Microsoft ASP.NET 4 : Repeated-Value Data Binding (part 1)

10/16/2012 2:55:32 AM
Although using simple data binding is optional, repeated-value binding is so useful that almost every ASP.NET application will want to use it somewhere.

Repeated-value data binding works with the ASP.NET list controls . To use repeated-value binding, you link one of these controls to a data source (such as a field in a data table). When you call DataBind(), the control automatically creates a full list using all the corresponding values. This saves you from writing code that loops through the array or data table and manually adds elements to a control. Repeated-value binding can also simplify your life by supporting advanced formatting and template options that automatically configure how the data should look when it's placed in the control.

To create a data expression for list binding, you need to use a list control that explicitly supports data binding. Luckily, ASP.NET provides a number of list controls, many of which you've probably already used in other applications or examples:

ListBox, DropDownList, CheckBoxList, and RadioButtonList:

These web controls provide a list for a single field of information.


This server-side HTML control represents the HTML <select> element and works essentially the same way as the ListBox web control. Generally, you'll use this control only for backward compatibility.

GridView, DetailsView, FormView, and ListView:

These rich web controls allow you to provide repeating lists or grids that can display more than one field of information at a time. For example, if you bind one of these controls to a full-fledged table in a DataSet, you can display the values from multiple fields. These controls offer the most powerful and flexible options for data binding.

With repeated-value data binding, you can write a data binding expression in your .aspx file, or you can apply the data binding by setting control properties. In the case of the simpler list controls, you'll usually just set properties. Of course, you can set properties in many ways, such as by using code in a code-behind file or by modifying the control tag in the .aspx file, possibly with the help of Visual Studio's Properties window. The approach you take doesn't matter. The important detail is that with the simple list controls, you don't use any <%# expression %> data binding expressions.

To continue any further with data binding, it will help to divide the subject into a few basic categories. You'll start by looking at data binding with the list controls.

1. Data Binding with Simple List Controls

In some ways, data binding to a list control is the simplest kind of data binding. You need to follow only three steps:

  1. Create and fill some kind of data object. You have numerous options, including an array, the basic ArrayList and Hashtable collections, the strongly typed List and Dictionary collections, and the DataTable and DataSet objects. Essentially, you can use any type of collection that supports the IEnumerable interface, although you'll discover each class has specific advantages and disadvantages.

  2. Link the object to the appropriate control. To do this, you need to set only a couple of properties, including DataSource. If you're binding to a full DataSet, you'll also need to set the DataMember property to identify the appropriate table you want to use.

  3. Activate the binding. As with single-value binding, you activate data binding by using the DataBind() method, either for the specific control or for all contained controls at once by using the DataBind() method for the current page.

This process is the same whether you're using the ListBox, the DropDownList, the CheckBoxList, the RadioButtonList, or even the HtmlSelect control. All these controls provide the same properties and work the same way. The only difference is in the way they appear on the final web page.

2. A Simple List Binding Example

To try this type of data binding, add a ListBox control to a new web page. Next, import the System.Collections namespace in your code. Finally, use the Page.Load event handler to create an ArrayList collection to use as a data source as follows:

Dim fruit As New ArrayList()

Now, you can link this collection to the ListBox control:

lstItems.DataSource = fruit

Because an ArrayList is a straightforward, unstructured type of object, this is all the information you need to set. If you were using a DataTable (which has more than one field) or a DataSet (which has more than one DataTable), you would have to specify additional information.

To activate the binding, use the DataBind() method:


You could also use lstItems.DataBind() to bind just the ListBox control. Figure 1 shows the resulting web page.

Figure 1. A data-bound list

This technique can save quite a few lines of code. This example doesn't offer a lot of savings because the collection is created just before it's displayed. In a more realistic application, however, you might be using a function that returns a ready-made collection to you:

Dim fruit As ArrayList
fruit = GetFruitsInSeason("Summer")

In this case, it's extremely simple to add the extra two lines needed to bind and display the collection in the window:

lstItems.DataSource = fruit

or you could even change it to the following, even more compact, code:

lstItems.DataSource = GetFruitsInSeason("Summer")

On the other hand, consider the extra trouble you would have to go through if you didn't use data binding. This type of savings compounds rapidly, especially when you start combining data binding with multiple controls, advanced objects such as DataSets, or advanced controls that apply formatting through templates.

3. Strongly Typed Collections

You can use data binding with the Hashtable and ArrayList, two of the more useful collection classes in the System.Collections namespace. .NET includes a more stringent set of collections in another namespace: System.Collections.Generic. These collections are ideal in cases where you want your collection to hold just a single type of object (for example, just strings). When you use the generic collections, you choose the item type you want to use, and the collection object is "locked in" to your choice (which is similar to how an array works). This means if you try to add another type of object that doesn't belong in the collection, you'll get a compile-time error. Similarly, when you pull an item out of the collection, you don't need to write casting code to convert it to the right type, because the compiler already knows what type of objects you're using. This behavior is safer and more convenient, and it's what you'll want most of the time.

To use a generic collection, you must import the right namespace:

Imports System.Collections.Generic

The generic version of the ArrayList class is named List. Here's how you create a List collection object that can only store strings:

Dim fruit As New List(Of String)()

The only real difference is that you need to specify the type of data you want to use when you declare the List object.

4. Multiple Binding

You can bind the same data list object to multiple different controls. Consider the following example, which compares all the types of list controls at your disposal by loading them with the same information:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    ' Create and fill the collection.
    Dim fruit As New List(Of String)()

    ' Define the binding for the list controls.
    MyListBox.DataSource = fruit
    MyDropDownListBox.DataSource = fruit
    MyHtmlSelect.DataSource = fruit
    MyCheckBoxList.DataSource = fruit
    MyRadioButtonList.DataSource = fruit

    ' Activate the binding.
End Sub

Figure 2 shows the rendered page.

Figure 2. Multiple bound lists

This is another area where ASP.NET data binding may differ from what you have experienced in a desktop application. In traditional data binding, all the different controls are sometimes treated like "views" on the same data source, and you can work with only one record from the data source at a time. In this type of data binding, when you select Pear in one list control, the other list controls automatically refresh so that they too have Pear selected (or the corresponding information from the same row). This isn't how ASP.NET uses data binding. If you want this sort of effect, you need to write custom code to pull it off.

5. Data Binding with a Dictionary Collection

A dictionary collection is a special kind of collection in which every item (or definition, to use the dictionary analogy) is indexed with a specific key (or dictionary word). This is similar to the way that built-in ASP.NET collections such as Session, Application, and Cache work.

Dictionary collections always need keys. This makes it easier to retrieve the item you want. In ordinary collections, like the ArrayList or List, you need to find the item you want by its index number position, or—more often—by traveling through the whole collection until you come across the right item. With a dictionary collection, you retrieve the item you want using its key. Generally, ordinary collections make sense when you need to work with all the items at once, while dictionary collections make sense when you frequently retrieve a single specific item.

You can use two basic dictionary-style collections in .NET. The Hashtable collection (in the System.Collections namespace) allows you to store any type of object and use any type of object for the key values. The Dictionary collection (in the System.Collections.Generic namespace) uses generics to provide the same "locking in" behavior as the List collection. You choose the item type and the key type upfront to prevent errors and reduce the amount of casting code you need to write.

The following example uses the Dictionary collection class, which it creates once—the first time the page is requested. You create a Dictionary object in much the same way you create an ArrayList or List collection. The only difference is that you need to supply a unique key for every item. This example uses the lazy practice of assigning a sequential number for each key:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
  ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    If Not Me.IsPostBack
        ' Use integers to index each item. Each item is a string.
        Dim fruit As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)()

        fruit.Add(1, "Kiwi")
        fruit.Add(2, "Pear")
        fruit.Add(3, "Mango")
        fruit.Add(4, "Blueberry")
        fruit.Add(5, "Apricot")
        fruit.Add(6, "Banana")
        fruit.Add(7, "Peach")
        fruit.Add(8, "Plum")

        ' Define the binding for the list controls.
        MyListBox.DataSource = fruit

        ' Choose what you want to display in the list.
        MyListBox.DataTextField = "Value"

        ' Activate the binding.
    End If
End Sub

There's one new detail here. It's this line:

MyListBox.DataTextField = "Value"

Each item in a dictionary-style collection has both a key and a value associated with it. If you don't specify which property you want to display, ASP.NET simply calls the ToString() method on each collection item. This may or may not produce the result you want. However, by inserting this line of code, you control exactly what appears in the list. The page will now appear as expected, with all the fruit names.


Notice that you need to enclose the property name in quotation marks. ASP.NET uses reflection to inspect your object and find the property that has the name Value at runtime.

You might want to experiment with what other types of collections you can bind to a list control. One interesting option is to use a built-in ASP.NET control such as the Session object. An item in the list will be created for every currently defined Session variable, making this trick a nice little debugging tool to quickly check current session information.

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