Developing Windows Azure Services that Use SQL Azure

10/2/2010 7:37:55 PM

1. Service Description

Consider a hypothetical company called SixFrogs Incorporated that offers a cloud-based demand-response service (Dem-Res) directly to utility companies and indirectly to consumers through utility companies.

A demand-response (Dem-Res) system is a popular pattern used by utility companies to curtail the electricity load during peak usage when the pricing for usage is very high. The cost savings are then passed on to consumers. The curtailment is determined in real time based on peak usage, pricing, and several other factors. In the interest of keeping the example conceptual, assume that the load reduction depends on peak usage and pricing.

2. Processes for Curtailment

The process flow for the Dem-Res system between SixFrogs, utility companies, and consumers is as follows:

  1. Multiple utility companies subscribe to SixFrog's Dem-Res cloud system.

  2. Consumers subscribe to the Dem-Res system through their utility company in return for a discount on their monthly electric bill.

  3. Utility companies install their hardware (gateway) in consumers' houses and/or buildings and point those gateways to the Dem-Res system in the cloud.

  4. Utility companies configure load curtailment for consumers for specific load devices (this example considers only HVAC).

  5. Utility companies receive electric load-pricing information for a particular period of time. This pricing information is in dollars per kWh for a particular period of time. For example, a particular pricing entry may be represented as $16/kWh between 1:00pm and 3:00pm on Monday August 24th 2009.

  6. Utility companies passes this pricing information to the Dem-Res system.

  7. The Dem-Res system reads the pricing information and sends commands to the applicable gateways in buildings and houses to automatically curtail the load.

  8. Periodically, the gateways communicate the energy usage to the Dem-Res system. The Dem-Res system checks the database for peak load and pricing information and sends curtailment commands to the gateways if required.

Figure 1 illustrates the high-level process for the Dem-Res system.

Figure 1. Dem-Res process

3. Technical Architecture

This section discusses the design of the Dem-Res system and its communication endpoints. The goal is to map the process architecture to the system architecture in the cloud representing Windows Azure components. From the earlier section and your knowledge of Windows Azure so far, it should be clear that you can build a complete Dem-Res system in Windows Azure. Figure 2 illustrates the technical architecture of the Dem-Res system.

Figure 2. Dem-Res system architecture

As shown in Figure 9-30, the Dem-Res system consists of three core components:

  • Pricing and Gateway database

  • Gateway listener

  • Gateway application

The flow of information within the components is as follows:

  1. The utility company periodically sends gateway and pricing information to the pricing database in the Dem-Res system.

  2. Periodically, the gateway sends an energy usage value to the gateway listener via the AppFabric Service Bus.

  3. The gateway listener worker role queries the pricing database to check if the energy value is more than the peak load value.

  4. If the gateway energy value is more than the peak load value, the gateway listener sends a curtail command to the gateway application. The gateway application in turn sends the control command to the appropriate device (such as HVAC in this example).

3.1. Pricing and Gateway Database Design

The Pricing and Gateway database is hosted in SQL Azure and is geo-located in the same region as the gateway listener worker role to keep the communications within the same data center. As the name suggests, the database consists of pricing and gateway information.

I recommend that y to design your SQL Azure database in SQL Server on-premises and then migrate the database to SQL Azure. When SQL Azure fully supports SQL Server Management Studio, you can work directly with the SQL Azure database.

The Pricing and Gateway database consists of four tables, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Pricing and Gateway database design

The Gateways table maintains the list of gateways in the field along with their location, which is referenced by LocationId from the PricingLocations table. The PricingLocations table consists of address locations that are mapped as pricing zones. Each zone has a price per kWh stored in the PricingCalendar_kWh table. The PricingCalendar_kWh table is updated periodically by the utility companies with the latest pricing. The EnergyMeterValues are the kWh values that gateways send periodically to the Dem-Res system.

The steps to create and testing the Dem-Res database system are as follows:

  1. Create a database named proazuredemres.

  2. Create table-creation scripts.

  3. Create stored-procedure scripts.

  4. Upload sample data into the tables.

  5. Create data synchronization for the PricingCalendar_kWh table.

3.1.1. Creating the proazuredemres Database

To create this database, follow these steps:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. Connect to the SQL Azure master database as an administrator, as shown in earlier sections.

  3. Execute the following query in the New Query window to create the proazuredemres database:

    CREATE DATABASE proazuredemres;

  4. Create a new login named demresadmin in the db_owner role for the proazuredemres database.

  5. Log in to the proazuredemres database as the demresadmin user, and execute the following query to test if the login was created successfully:

    select * from sys.databases;

3.1.2. Creating Database Tables

To create database tables, I recommend that you first create the tables and other database objects in your local SQL Server Express and then generate scripts to upload to the SQL Azure database. In this section, you directly create SQL Server objects in SQL Azure to keep the content relevant to SQL Azure only.

Listing 1 shows the script and schema to create the Dem-Res database tables.

Example 1. Dem-Res Table-Creation Script
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PricingLocations](
[LocationId] [varchar](50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,
[Description] [varchar](100) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PricingCalendar_kWh](
[PricingStartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[PricingEndDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[PricePerkWh] [float] NOT NULL,
[LocationId] [varchar](50) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Gateways](
[GatewayId] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[LastCommunication] [datetime] NULL,

[LocationId] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[WebAddress] [varchar](100) NOT NULL);
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EnergyMeterValues](
[GatewayNumber] [int] NOT NULL,
[GatewayId] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
[kWhValue] [float] NOT NULL,
[kWhFieldRecordedTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[kWhServerTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Cost] [money] NOT NULL);
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[EnergyMeterValues]
WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_EnergyMeterValues_Gateways]
FOREIGN KEY([GatewayNumber])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Gateways] ([GatewayNumber])
[FK_Gateways_PricingLocations] FOREIGN KEY([LocationId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[PricingLocations] ([LocationId])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Gateways] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Gateways_PricingLocations]
[FK_PricingCalendar_kWh_PricingLocations] FOREIGN KEY([LocationId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[PricingLocations] ([LocationId])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[PricingCalendar_kWh]
CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_PricingCalendar_kWh_PricingLocations]

The first part of Listing 9-4 defines the tables, and then second part defines foreign key relationships between the tables.

To create tables in SQL Azure, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the proazuredemres database using SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. Log in as the demresadmin user.

  3. Open the createtables_proazuredemresdb.sql script file .

  4. Click the Execute button to create the tables in the proazuredemres database.

  5. Execute the following query to check if the tables and constraints were successfully created:

    select * from sys.objects

3.1.3. Creating Stored Procedures

One of the database design best practices is to locate data-processing logic closer to the database as much as possible. This is the reason stored procedures are recommended for data-processing logic rather than inline code. Stored procedures are also easier to modify and maintain than code because each stored procedure is an atomic unit containing data-processing logic that can be easily modified without having to recompile the code. For the Dem-Res system, I identified the stored procedures described in the following sections.


The InsertPricingLocations stored procedure inserts a new record in the PricingLocations table. This stored procedure is called by utility companies to add locations that are used to set energy prices. Listing 2 shows the create script for the InsertPricingLocations stored procedure.

Example 2. InsertPricingLocations
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertPricingLocations]
@locationId varchar(50),
@description varchar(100)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

INSERT INTO PricingLocations(LocationId, [Description])
VALUES (@locationId, @description);

The stored procedure consists of a simple insert statement. If you want to modify the stored procedure after it's installed in the database, replace CREATE PROCEDURE with ALTER PROCEDURE in the stored procedure body.


The InsertPricingCalendar_kWh stored procedure inserts a new record in the PricingCalendar_kWh table. The stored procedure is called by the utility companies to update the kWh pricing for a particular period of time. Listing 3 shows the create script for the InsertPricingCalendar_kWh stored procedure.

Example 3. InsertPricingCalendar_kWh
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertPricingCalendar_kWh]
@pricingStartDate datetime,
@pricingEndDate datetime,
@pricePerkWh float,
@locationId int

INSERT INTO PricingCalendar_kWh
(PricingStartDate, PricingEndDate, PricePerkWh, LocationId)
VALUES (@pricingStartDate, @pricingEndDate, @pricePerkWh, @locationId);


The InsertGateway stored procedure inserts a new record in the Gateways table. This procedure is called when a new gateway is added to the Dem-Res database by the utility company or when the gateway communicates with the Dem-Res system for the first time. Listing 4 shows the create script for the InsertGateway stored procedure.

Example 4. InsertGateway
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertGateway]
@gatewayId varchar(50),
@locationId int,
@webAddress varchar(100)

INSERT INTO Gateways(GatewayId, LocationId, WebAddress, LastCommunication)
VALUES (@gatewayId, @locationId, @webAddress, getdate());


The InsertEnergyMeterValues stored procedure inserts a new record in the EnergyMeterValues table. This stored procedure is called when the gateway sends the energy meter value to the Dem-Res server. Listing 5 shows the create script for the InsertEnergyMeterValues stored procedure.

Example 5. InsertEnergyMeterValues
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertEnergyMeterValues]
@gatewayId varchar(50),
@kWhValue float,
@kWhFieldRecoredTime datetime,
@kWhServerTime datetime
DECLARE @gatewayNumber int
DECLARE @cost float
DECLARE @locationId int
SELECT @gatewayNumber = GatewayNumber, @locationId=LocationId
FROM Gateways WHERE GatewayId = @gatewayId;
SELECT @cost=PricePerkWh FROM PricingCalendar_kWh WHERE
LocationId = @locationId;
SET @cost = @cost * @kWhValue;

INSERT INTO EnergyMeterValues(GatewayNumber, GatewayId,
kWhValue, kWhFieldRecordedTime, kWhServerTime, Cost)
VALUES (@gatewayNumber, @gatewayId, @kWhValue,
@kWhFieldRecoredTime, @kWhServerTime, @cost);

In Listing 5, PricePerkWh is retrieved from the PricingCalendar_kWh table to calculate the cost of energy for the kWh value at the location where the gateway is located. The cost is calculated by multiplying the kWh value by the price per kWh sent by the gateway. The cost value is then inserted into the record along with all the other fields of the table.


The UpdateGatewayLastCommunication stored procedure updates the last communication time field in the Gateways table. This stored procedure is called when the gateway sends the energy meter value to the Dem-Res server. Listing 6 shows the create script for the UpdateGatewayLastCommunication stored procedure.

Example 6. UpdateGatewayLastCommunication
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateGatewayLastCommunication]
@gatewayId varchar(50),
@locationId int,
@webAddress varchar(100)
UPDATE Gateways SET LastCommunication = getdate() WHERE GatewayId = @gatewayId

To install the stored procedures, open SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the proazuredemres database, and execute the CREATE PROCEDURE scripts as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Creating stored procedures

3.1.4. Uploading Sample Data

In any database system design, you need sample data to test different scenarios and conditions that will affect the system in general. You also need sample data to test the business logic in application and stored procedures. In Ch8Solution in this chapter's source code directory, there is a Windows Forms project called ProAzureDemResDbApp that uploads sample data to PricingLocations, PricingCalendar_kWh, Gateways, and EnergyMeterValues in the SQL Azure Dem-Res database. The application calls the stored procedures discussed in the previous section to insert the data. The data is randomly generated based on some hard-coded parameters in the code. For example, the pricing locations are between the ZIP codes 95147 and 94583. Similarly, the gateway numbers are between 1 and 300. These values are also used to generate a web URL for the gateway, which is of the format sb://{location_id}/{gateway_id}.

Figure 5 illustrates the user interface of the ProAzureDemResDbApp application.

Figure 5. ProAzureDemResDbApp user interface

To upload sample data, follow these steps:

  1. Run the ProAzureDemResDb application.

  2. Enter your server name, username, password, and database name.

  3. Click the Create Sample Data button.


    It may take some time to run the query, depending on your network connection.

  4. To delete all the data in the tables, click the Drop Data button. Dropping data is useful if you want to re-create the sample data from scratch.

Listing 7 shows the code to insert data in the PricingCalendar_kWh table.

Example 7. Insert Pricing Calendar Data
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetUserDbString()))
using (SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = "InsertPricingCalendar_kWh";
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
string lid = j.ToString();
Random r = new Random();
double price = r.NextDouble();
SqlParameter pricingStartDate = command.CreateParameter();
pricingStartDate.ParameterName = "@pricingStartDate";
SqlParameter pricingEndDate = command.CreateParameter();
pricingEndDate.ParameterName = "@pricingEndDate";
SqlParameter pricePerkWh = command.CreateParameter();
pricePerkWh.ParameterName = "@pricePerkWh";
pricePerkWh.Value = price;
SqlParameter locationId = command.CreateParameter();
locationId.ParameterName = "@locationId";
locationId.Value = lid;


Listing 7 demonstrates calling the InsertPricingCalendar_kWh stored procedure with parameterized values. In database programming, parameterized values are recommended over plain-text query strings, because there is a SQL injection risk when you use plain text queries. Parameterized queries reduce this risk because they don't append the value of the parameter to the SQL query, which gives a clear separation between the SQL query and its parameters. In Listing 9-10, note that the price per kWh is generated randomly. In the real world, the utility company provides the Dem-Res application with the price per kWh.

To test the creation of the data, you can login to proazuredemres database in your account using SQL Server Management Studio and execute a select * query on all the database tables.

3.1.5. Optimizing SELECT Queries

In the Dem-Res system, the most commonly used SELECT query selects PricePerkWh by LocationId from the PricingCalendar_kWh table, because for every message that comes in from the gateway, you have to calculate the cost. So, it's important that the performance of the SELECT query is optimized by appropriate indexes on the table. Depending on the other queries in the system, you may choose to create a clustered index on the LocationId field. But you can have only one clustered index on a table, which in this case is PricingId. In this example, you create a simple index on the LocationId field by executing this query:

CREATE INDEX INDEX_PricingCalendar_kWh_LocationId
ON PricingCalendar_kWh(LocationId);

To test the index scan, you need sufficient data in the PricingCalendar_kWh table; otherwise, the SQL Server optimizer scans only the clustered index because the SQL Server optimizer may choose a different execution plan that yields better results. You can generate more test data by executing the stored procedure shown in Listing 8.

Example 8. AddSampleData Stored Procedure
@NumRows int
DECLARE @counter int
DECLARE @locationId int
DECLARE @locationIdStr varchar(50)
DECLARE @desc varchar(50)
DECLARE @pricingStartDate datetime
DECLARE @pricingEndDate datetime
DECLARE @pricekWh float
DECLARE @gatewayUrl varchar(100)
DECLARE @gatewayId varchar(50)
DECLARE @kWhValue float
DECLARE @now datetime

SELECT @counter = 1
WHILE (@counter < @NumRows)

SET @locationId = 10000 + @counter;

SET @locationIdStr = CAST(@locationId as varchar);
SET @desc = @locationIdStr + '-' + CAST(@counter as nvarchar)+'-description';
SET @pricingStartDate = DATEADD(m, 2, getdate());
SET @pricingEndDate = DATEADD(m, 3, getdate());
SET @pricekWh = CAST(@counter as float) * 0.00052;
SET @gatewayId = 'MyGateway' + @locationIdStr;
SET @gatewayUrl = 'sb://' +
@locationIdStr + '/' + @gatewayId;
SET @kWhValue = @pricekWh * 5.2;
SET @now = getdate();

EXEC InsertPricingLocations @locationId, @desc;
EXEC InsertPricingCalendar_kWh @pricingStartDate, @pricingEndDate,
@pricekWh, @locationId;
EXEC InsertGateway @gatewayId, @locationId, @gatewayUrl;
EXEC InsertEnergyMeterValues @gatewayId, @kWhValue, @now, @now;

SELECT @counter = @counter + 1;


The AddSampleData stored procedure creates sample data in all the database tables similar to the ProAzureDemResDbApp Windows application you saw earlier. Execute the stored procedure with the following query to enter 10,000 entries in the database tables:

EXEC AddSampleData 10001;


I demonstrate two different ways of creating sample data so you can choose the approach you feel comfortable with and understand the advantage of having the data-processing logic closer to the data. You can easily modify the AddSampleData stored procedure without recompiling any code as you would have to do with the Windows application shown earlier.

Next, to view the query execution plan, execute the query shown in Listing 9.

Example 9. Show Query Plan
SELECT PricePerkWh FROM PricingCalendar_kWh WHERE LocationId = 95148;

SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON enables you to see the output of the query execution plan, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Query plan output

The query plan shows the steps followed by the SQL Server query optimizer to execute your query. The information shown in the plan is valuable for optimizing queries or debugging slow-running queries. Figure 7 shows the query optimizer using the index scan of the PricingCalendar_kWh_LocationId index you created earlier. To see the execution of the plan graphically, go to Query => Display Estimated Execution Plan in SQL Server Management Studio.

Figure 7. Graphical query plan output

3.1.6. Pricing Table Synchronization

The values in the PricingCalendar_kWh table are provided by the utility companies. There are several ways to synchronize data in the cloud PricingCalendar_kWh table with an on-premises database table, such as creating a custom web service that can be called by utility companies, having an FTP server for data transfer between utility companies and the Dem-Res system, SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), and so on. This section shows you how to use SSIS to synchronize data between an on-premises database and the SQL Azure cloud database. SSIS is an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) tool that comes with higher SQL Server editions. You can use SSIS to

  • Extract data from a structured or unstructured data source

  • Clean up the data or apply business rules to the data

  • Upload the clean data to the destination database tables

SSIS is popular in business intelligence (BI) applications for extracting data from different kinds of sources and uploading the aggregated and clean data to a data warehouse for analysis and reporting. But the application of SSIS isn't limited to BI applications: many organizations use SSIS for simple cross-database data transfer. Figure 8 illustrates the use of SSIS in different kinds of applications.

Figure 8. SSIS applications

As shown in Figure 9-36, SSIS extracts data from any kind of compatible source, transforms the data into an understandable format, and then loads the transformed data into the destination database. SSIS can be used in any kind of data-transfer application depending on the business needs. SSIS also offers the flexibility of developing custom components if the out-of-the-box features don't fulfill your requirements. SSIS is composed of packages, which are logical steps you design to execute an ETL operation. SSIS packages can be designed in Visual Studio; the programming environment is similar to a workflow environment.

In this section, you build an SSIS package to extract data from a pricing table in an on-premises SQL Server database and load it into the PricingCalendar_kWh table in your SQL Azure proazuredemres database. Figure 9 illustrates the simple architecture of the data transfer from on-premises SQL Server to SQL Azure.

Figure 9. PricingCalendar_kWh data synchronization architecture using SSIS

Before creating an SSIS package, create a SQL Server database named utility_pricing on your local SQL Server instance; it represents a utility company's pricing database. Listing 10 shows the DDL script to create the database and all its associated objects, and the stored procedures AddSampleData and DropSampleData create and drop sample data, respectively.

Example 10. On-Premises DDL Database Script
use [master]
CREATE DATABASE utility_pricing;
use [utility_pricing]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PricingLocations](
[Description] [varchar](100) NOT NULL)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PricingCalendar_kWh](
[PricingStartDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[PricingEndDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[PricePerkWh] [float] NOT NULL,
[LocationId] [int] NOT NULL)

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertPricingLocations]
@locationId int,
@description varchar(100)
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

INSERT INTO PricingLocations(LocationId, [Description])
VALUES (@locationId, @description);

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertPricingCalendar_kWh]
@pricingStartDate datetime,
@pricingEndDate datetime,
@pricePerkWh float,
@locationId int

INSERT INTO PricingCalendar_kWh(PricingStartDate, PricingEndDate,
PricePerkWh, LocationId)
VALUES (@pricingStartDate, @pricingEndDate, @pricePerkWh, @locationId);

[FK_PricingCalendar_kWh_PricingLocations] FOREIGN KEY([LocationId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[PricingLocations] ([LocationId])
@NumRows int
DECLARE @counter int
DECLARE @locationId int
DECLARE @locationIdStr varchar(50)
DECLARE @desc varchar(50)
DECLARE @pricingStartDate datetime
DECLARE @pricingEndDate datetime
DECLARE @pricekWh float

SELECT @counter = 1
WHILE (@counter < @NumRows)

SET @locationId = 10000 + @counter;
SET @locationIdStr = CAST(@locationId as varchar);
SET @desc = @locationIdStr + '-' + CAST(@counter as nvarchar)+'-description';
SET @pricingStartDate = DATEADD(m, 2, getdate());
SET @pricingEndDate = DATEADD(m, 3, getdate());
SET @pricekWh = CAST(@counter as float)* 0.00063;

EXEC InsertPricingLocations @locationId, @desc;
EXEC InsertPricingCalendar_kWh @pricingStartDate, @pricingEndDate,
@pricekWh, @locationId;

SELECT @counter = @counter + 1;



DELETE FROM PricingCalendar_kWh;
DELETE FROM PricingLocations;


For simplicity's sake, I've kept the table schema for the pricing table the same for the proazuredemres and utility_pricing databases. To create sample data, execute the following stored statement:

EXEC AddSampleData 10001;

Designing an SSIS Package for Pricing Table Synchronization

The steps to create an SSIS package for synchronizing the on-premises pricing tables to the SQL Azure pricing tables are as follows:

  1. Open SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio as an administrator.

  2. Choose Start => All Programs => SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio.

  3. Choose File => New => Project.

  4. Select Business Intelligence Projects in the Project Types section to get a list of all the Business Intelligence Project types.

  5. Select Integration Services Project in the Templates section.

  6. Name the project "PricingUploadSSIS", as shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 10. PricingUploadSSIS project type
  7. Click OK to create the project.

  8. On the Package.dtsx design page, drag and drop Execute SQL Task as shown in Figure11.

    Figure 11. Execute SQL Task
  9. Before you upload the data from the on-premises pricing tables to the SQL Azure pricing table, delete the existing data from the SQL Azure pricing table.


    The pricing locations remain constant unless a new pricing location is added to the on-premises table. The only variable is the price per kWh from the PricingCalendar_kWh table.

  10. Right-click the task on the designer surface, and click Rename to rename the task "Drop SQL Azure Pricing Data" (see Figure 12).

    Figure 12. Rename the execute SQL task.
  11. Right-click the task, and click Edit.

  12. In the SQL Statement section, type the following query to delete all the records from the PricingCalendar_kWh table (see Figure 13):

    DELETE FROM PricingCalendar_kWh

    Figure 13. DELETE SQL query
  13. In the Connection Type section, select ADO.NET from the drop-down list.

  14. In the Connection section, select New Connection to open the Configure ADO.NET Connection Manager dialog box (see Figure 14).

    Figure 14. New Connection drop-down
  15. Click the New button to open the Connection Manager dialog box.

  16. Enter the database server name.

  17. Select the SQL Server Authentication type.

  18. Enter the username and password of the login you've created to connect to the database.

  19. Enter the name of the database: proazuredemres.

  20. Click the Test Connection button to test your connection. A success connection dialog box opens on successful connection.

    Figure 15. Create Connection
  21. Click OK to close the Test Connection dialog box.

  22. Click OK to save the connection.

    Figure 16. Save SQL Azure Connection
  23. Drag and drop Data Flow Task from the Toolbox on the Package.dtsx design surface.

  24. Rename the task to "Upload Pricing Data". Drag the end of the green arrow from the Drop SQL Azure Pricing Data task to the Upload Pricing Data task to let SSIS know the next logical step of execution. In this task. you upload the data from the on-premises PricingCalendar_kWh table to SQL Azure PricingCalendar_kWh table.

    Figure 17. Data Flow Task
  25. Right-click the Upload Pricing Data task, and click Edit to navigate to the Data Flow design surface (see Figure 18). Notice that the controls in the Toolbox change when you navigate to the Data Flow tab. The Toolbox only displays controls relevant to Data Flow tasks.

    Figure 18. Navigate to the Data Flow design surface.
  26. From the Data Flow Sources section on the Toolbox, drag and drop an ADO.NET Source onto the Data Flow design surface (see Figure 19. Rename the source "On-premises PricingCalendar_kWh". The ADO.NET Source represents the on-premises PricingCalendar_kWh data base table.

    Figure 19. ADO NET source
  27. Right-click the On-premises PricingCalendar_kWh task, and click Edit to open an ADO.NET Source Editor.

  28. In the ADO.NET Source Editor dialog box, click the New button. By doing so, you create a new connection to the on-premises PricingCalendar_kWh database table.

    Figure 20. New Source Connection
  29. In the Configure ADO.NET Connection Manager, click the New button to open the Connection Manager dialog box.

  30. Fill in the on-premises database connection information.

  31. Select the utility_pricing database from the database drop-down menu. and click OK.

    Figure 21. ADO.NET Source Connection
  32. Click OK to go back to the ADO.NET Source Editor.

  33. Select PricingCalendar_kWh from the Tables drop-down menu, and click OK (see Figure 22).

    Figure 22. Select PricingCalendar_kWh Table
  34. Drag and Drop ADO NET Destination from the Data Flow Destinations section of the Toolbox.

  35. Rename the ADO NET Destination task to "SQL Azure PricingCalendar_kWh". The destination represents the PricingCalendar_kWh table in the SQL Azure database.

  36. Connect the source and destination by connecting the green down arrow from the On-premises PricingCalendar_kWh task to SQL Azure PricingCalendar_kWh.

  37. Right-click the SQL Azure PricingCalendar_kWh task, and click Edit to open the ADO.NET Destination Editor.

  38. In the Connection Manager drop-down list, select the connection to the SQL Azure database. Select the PricingCalendar_kWh table from the Tables drop-down list, as shown in Figure 23.

    Figure 23. ADO.NET Destination Editor
  39. Click the Mappings section to show the default mapping between the source and destination tables (see Figure 24). If the tables are similar as in this example, SQL Server does the default mapping for you.

    Figure 24. Default source and destination mapping
  40. Select PricingId in the Input Column, and select Ignore to remove the mapping of the PricingId field (see Figure 25). The PricingCalendar_kWh table contains an identity field named PricingId that is auto-generated whenever a new item is inserted in the table. When a new record is inserted in the SQL Azure PricingCalendar_kWh table, a new PricingId is automatically generated. So, you don't have to synchronize the PricingId field to the SQL Azure database.

    Figure 25. Remove the PricingId mapping.
  41. Click OK to close the ADO NET Destination Editor.

    The Data Flow tasks are illustrated in Figure 26.

Figure 26. Data Flow tasks

The steps to test the PricingCalendar_kWh table synchronization between the on-premises utility_pricing database and the SQL Azure proazuredemres database are as follows:

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. Connect to the on-premises database utility_pricing.

  3. Execute the following T-SQL statements in a New Query window to erase old pricing data and create new pricing sample data:

    EXEC AddSampleData 20;
    select * from PricingCalendar_kWh;

    The output from these statements is shown in Figure 27. You can keep existing data in the SQL Azure PricingCalendar_kWh table because the SSIS package deletes all the data from this table before uploading the on-premises data.

    Figure 27. Create sample data in the on-premises database.
  4. To run the SSIS package in Debug mode, click Debug Start Debugging. In Debug mode, Visual Studio steps through each task and color-codes it based on its execution status. First the task turns yellow, which means the operation is in progress. Then it turns either red or blue, depending on whether the task failed or succeeded, respectively. If both the tasks succeed, they turn green, as shown in Figure 28. If any tasks turn red, you can view the output window (View => Output) to see output messages. You can also add breakpoints to the tasks to do detailed debugging of the package execution.

    Figure 28. PricingUpload SSIS package execution
  5. Connect to SQL Azure database proazuredemres using SQL Management Studio, and execute the following command in a New Query window to view the new records uploaded from the on-premises database table:

    select * from PricingCalendar_kWh;

    Figure 29. Uploaded Data in SQL Azure

    Note that other than PricingId, all the field values are exactly the same as the on-premises database. You specifically configured PricingId to be ignored while uploading the new records because it's an identity field that increments automatically on new data inserts.

As you learned in this exercise, SSIS is a very flexible tool for ETL operations, and it adds significant value when you're working with cloud databases. The out-of-the-box tasks in the SSIS Toolbox are rich in features that can help you synchronize, maintain, administer, and analyze data in SQL Azure from your on-premises infrastructure.

3.2. Gateway Listener Design

The Gateway Listener is a server that listens to the messages sent by gateways and updates the database with these messages. If required, it sends a curtail command to the gateway to curtail the load. In the Ch8Solution, the DemResWorkerRole project implements the Gateway Listener design. The DemResWorkerRole is a Windows Azure worker role project that registers itself as an AppFabric Service Bus endpoint and listens to messages using netTcpRelayBinding. The gateways send messages to the AppFabric Service Bus endpoint. Figure 30 illustrates the DemResWorkerRole design.

Figure 30. DemResWorkerRole design

The DemResWorkerRole is a typical AppFabric Service Bus service that uses a username and password for AppFabric Service Bus authentication. The Logging service runs on-premises as a separate AppFabric Service Bus service and receives log messages from the DemResWorkerRole.

This example uses netTcpRelayBinding as the AppFabric Service Bus binding between the gateway and the DemResWorkerRole. The drawback with netTcpRelayBinding is that it doesn't have built-in load-balancing, and each endpoint can support only one service instance. In the real world, you should use either an AppFabric Service Bus Router or a WCF web service hosted in a web role. The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the integration between a Windows Azure worker role, the AppFabric Service Bus, and SQL Azure, so it uses simple bindings and configurations.

The logical steps of execution in the DemResWorkerRole are as follows:

  1. Periodically, gateways call the SendValue() method on the DemResWorkerRole.

  2. The DemResWorkerRole inserts a new record in the EnergyMeterValues database table in SQL Azure.

  3. It then retrieves the kWh price for the location where the gateway is located and calculates the total unit cost of energy by multiplying the price per kWh by the kWh value.

  4. If the total value exceeds one dollar, the DemResWorkerRole sends a curtail command to the gateway on a callback connection to the gateway.

Listing 11 shows the code for the contract and server implementation of the DemResWorkerRole.

Example 11. Contract and Implementation of the DemResWorkerRole
[ServiceContract(CallbackContract = typeof(IDemResCallback))]
public interface IDemResOperations
void SendValue(string gatewayId, double value, DateTime gatewayTime);
public interface IDemResCallback
void Curtail(int setPointValue);
[ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Reentrant)]
public class DemResService : IDemResOperations

public void SendValue(string gatewayId, double kWhValue, DateTime gatewayTime)
//Update the database table with the new value
InsertEnergyMeterValues(gatewayId, kWhValue, gatewayTime);
//Get the value from the database and curtail if total price > $1.0
double cost = GetCostByGateway(gatewayId, kWhValue);

if (cost > 1.0)
IDemResCallback callback = OperationContext.Current.


private void InsertEnergyMeterValues
(string gid, double kWh, DateTime gatewayTime)

// Connect to the sample database and perform various operations
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetUserDbString()))
using (SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand())
// Insert records
command.CommandText = "InsertEnergyMeterValues";
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter gatewayId = command.CreateParameter();
gatewayId.ParameterName = "@gatewayId";
gatewayId.Value = gid;

SqlParameter kWhValue = command.CreateParameter();
kWhValue.ParameterName = "@kWhValue";
kWhValue.Value = kWh;

SqlParameter kWhFieldRecoredTime = command.CreateParameter();
kWhFieldRecoredTime.ParameterName = "@kWhFieldRecoredTime";
kWhFieldRecoredTime.Value = gatewayTime;

SqlParameter kWhServerTime = command.CreateParameter();
kWhServerTime.ParameterName = "@kWhServerTime";
kWhServerTime.Value = DateTime.Now;
int rowsAdded = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;

Listing 12 shows the code for the GetEnergyCostByGatewayId stored procedure that retrieves the energy cost for the unit of energy sent by the gateway.

Example 12. GetEnergyCostByGatewayId Stored Procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetEnergyCostByGatewayId]
@gatewayId varchar(50)

SELECT  PricingCalendar_kWh.PricePerkWh
FROM Gateways
INNER JOIN PricingLocations ON Gateways.LocationId = PricingLocations.LocationId
INNER JOIN PricingCalendar_kWh
ON PricingLocations.LocationId = PricingCalendar_kWh.LocationId
WHERE (Gateways.GatewayId = @gatewayId);

The GetEnergyCostByGatewayId accepts gatewayId as the parameter and retrieves the price per kWh for the location of the gateway from the database. The DemResWorkerRole calculates the total cost and decides whether to curtail the load.

3.3. Gateway Application Design

A gateway application runs on gateways. This example builds it as a simple Windows application, but in the real world such applications are background processes that run on embedded operating systems like Windows CE. The gateway application calls the DemRes service in the cloud via the AppFabric Service Bus using the netTcpRelayBinding. In Ch8Solution, the DemResGateway project represents the gateway application. DemResGateway is a Windows application that implements the callback interface that the DemRes service can call to curtail the load. Figure 31 illustrates the DemResGateway architecture.

Figure 31. DemResGateway application architecture

3.4. Running the ProAzure Demand-Response Service

The steps required to run the Dem-Res system are outlined next. Begin by performing the following prerequisites:

  1. Register for a Windows Azure account.

  2. Create a project in the AppFabric portal.

  3. Create a username and password in the AppFabric portal.

  4. Create an InfoCard using Windows CardSpace on your local machine.

  5. Upload the card as one of the AppFabric solution credentials. You need this card to call methods on the server from the gateway client.

  6. Create a new SQL Azure database called proazuredemres.

  7. Log in to proazuredemres using SQL Server Management Studio.

  8. Open the proazuredemres_allobjects.sql file in a New Query window, and execute the script to create objects in the proazuredemres database.


    Make sure you've chosen the correct database before executing the script. You may also use SQLCMD to execute the script from the command line.

  9. Create sample data by executing the following stored procedure:

    EXEC AddSampleData 10001;

  10. Create a new on-premises database called utility_pricing.

  11. Open the utility_pricing_allobjects.sql file in a New Query window, and execute the script to create objects in the utility_pricing database.

  12. Create sample data by executing the following stored procedure:

    EXEC AddSampleData 10001;

Now, follow these steps to run the application:

  1. Open Ch8Solution in Visual Studio.

  2. Add your own usernames, passwords, endpoints, SQL Azure connection strings, and other configuration parameters in the configuration files of the DemResWorker, DemResGateway, and LogReceiverConsole projects.

  3. Build and deploy the DemResWorker cloud service project to Windows Azure.

    Run the complete end-to-end application locally in the development fabric before deploying it to Windows Azure.

  4. Start the LogReceiverConsole application. This application receives log messages from the DemResWorkerRole.

  5. Start the DemResWorker service in Windows Azure or in the development fabric.

  6. Start the DemResGateway application on your local machine.

  7. Click the Send kWh Value button to send a single kWh value to the DemResWorker service.

  8. Click the button several times to get a value that results in a price greater than one dollar. If the cost of energy per unit is more than one dollar, the DemResWorker service sends a curtail command to the gateway using a callback interface. When this happens, you see a message box with the curtail value, as shown in Figure 32.

    Figure 32. DemRes callback
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