Windows 7 : Installing Configuration Manager 2007 (part 3) - Configure the Site Server

11/23/2012 2:57:07 AM

3. Configure the Site Server

You will now start working in the Configuration Manager Console, which you can find in Microsoft System Center => Configuration Manager 2007 in the Start menu. You can see the console in Figure 7. The console is split into the usual navigation pane on the left, contents pane in the center, and context-sensitive Actions pane on the right.

Figure 7. The Configuration Manager Console

3.1. Configure the Site

The navigation pane reveals the site database for this primary site, DPL or Deploy on the server DeploySrv. The navigation pane breaks down into a number of areas:

Site Management

This area is where the site administrators will configure things like the role services, database operations, client deployment, discovery, and client agent configuration.

Computer Management

This area will be the most frequently used part of ConfigMgr. Here you will create and use collections, manage software distribution, run update deployment, run reports, and of course, do your OSD.

System Status

This area is where you can check on the health of your site systems and start your troubleshooting.

Security Rights

By default, the administrator of the site server has complete rights over the entire site. You can delegate rights to specific parts of ConfigMgr, a class of objects, or selected objects. We recommend that you learn how to do this if you will be responsible for ConfigMgr.


This area allows you to manage the many services that are used by ConfigMgr.

System Status

You should make a habit of visiting Component Status and Site System Status for your site on a frequent basis. ConfigMgr does a very good job of keeping an eye on its own health. The errors and warnings also come with a lot of good information explaining any issues and some potential solutions.

You may be thinking how much work goes into installing a ConfigMgr site server. You've only seen the tip of a real-world deployment. Many things can go wrong, and a visit to System Status will usually shine a spotlight on any problems.

However, be aware that you will get some warnings no matter how well your installation goes. For example, some automated behind-the-scenes tasks won't run correctly directly after an installation. Typical of these are some of the warnings for the database.

You should start by preparing your ConfigMgr site. Some of the actions will take a while to run behind the scenes.

The first thing you should do is configure your site boundaries. Boundaries provide a way of specifying which computers should be a member of ConfigMgr site. You can use things like IP subnets, IPv6 prefixes, or Active Directory sites. The latter is handy because your ConfigMgr site can quickly take advantage of AD sites, which probably match up nicely. In this exercise, you can use the default Default-First-Site-Name site as your boundary. You are familiar with the use of Windows PE. You probably noticed that your boot image is not a domain member and therefore does not know about the Active Directory sites. Configuration Manager uses Windows PE as a boot image for OS deployment and image capturing. You should also add the IP subnet ( as a boundary so that non-AD members (such as boot images) will be aware of what ConfigMgr site they are in (DPL - DeploySrv).


You will learn very quickly that little happens immediately in ConfigMgr. It is a product designed to manage thousands of computers. You rarely expect immediate results in those circumstances. That means you can get frustrated when working in a lab. There are a few tricks to speed some things along, but you must learn to sit back and relax more than you might be used to.

When we work with bare-metal PCs, they are not members of the Active Directory. This means that they must access ConfigMgr resources, such as the distribution point(s), using the network access account (deploy\configmgrnw). You need to configure this access in ConfigMgr.

Navigate into Client Agents and edit the properties of Computer Client Agent. You should set the Network Access Account option as dep1oy\configmgrnw and enter the password for the account by clicking the Set button. Failing to do so will cause all boot images (CD, PXE, or USB) to not be able to access the distribution point and then cause OSD operations to fail.

You will want to deploy the ConfigMgr client to your lab network computers. You can do this manually (using Ccmsetup.exe in \\Dep1oySrv\SMS_DPL\C1ient\) or using a Client Push Installation method in Client Installation methods. You need to enable the process and provide credentials for it. You should already have a domain-based account that has local administrator rights on all required computers. That is the ConfigMgrSvc user account. Make sure your clients have had time to apply Group Policy if you are using the GPO Restricted Groups method to add that user to the local Administrators group of your computers. You can always run gpupdate/force on those machines to speed things along.

A client installation requires that you have Discovery Methods enabled. Active Directory System Discovery should be configured. You might want to enable the other Active Directory methods in a production environment. Associate the discovery method with an OU or the domain (the latter is perfect for this exercise), configure a polling schedule, and select the check box Run Discovery As Soon As Possible. You'll note the default schedule is every day, which is perfect in a real-world scenario but not always useful in a lab.

You can start seeing the results of your efforts by looking at the contents of your collections under Computer Management. Collections also have an update schedule. This means data must be discovered. Then this data is queried on another (per collection) schedule to populate a collection. You can alter that schedule, and you can also force a collection update by right-clicking on the collection and selecting Update Collection Membership.

After a while (you must be patient!), you will see that your lab computers will start to appear in the relevant collections. You will also start to see the client status change from No to Yes for each machine, assuming that the computer's domain account is okay and that the ConfigMgrSvc does have the required rights on the computer. Any computer with a client status of Yes will now be running a client with the configured client agents. A number of new objects will now appear in the Control Panel of those computers.

You'll notice collections for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. You can create a Windows 7 collection using the following query criteria:

Operating System.Name is like "Microsoft Windows 7%"

Collections for other operating systems can be created similarly. You can pull in collected hardware information to get even more specific.

Control Where ConfigMgr Stores Data

Configuration Manager will probably try to store data on the C: drive of your server. This could be quite annoying if you have gone to the expense of provisioning a D: drive with a lot of space. You can prevent this from happening by creating a file called NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS on your C: drive.

You can control where ConfigMgr will store Software Distribution files, or the distribution point, by navigating into \Site Management\<Site Name>\Site Settings\Component Configuration and editing the properties of Software Distribution. You can enter a drive where you want the distribution point to be located, for example D:\.

3.2. Add Site Roles

The previously discussed client discovery process will take some time. As mentioned, ConfigMgr requires patience so you should move on by doing some other work to help pass the time.

A number of site roles must be deployed within a ConfigMgr site to allow the complete OSD process to work. Take the following steps:

  1. Navigate into the Site Systems area under Site Settings.

  2. Right-click on the site server and select New Roles. Add roles (if not already added to the site) in the following list. You can see the screen for enabling these roles in Figure 8.

    Server Locator Point

    This will enable non-AD members to find the site server.

    State Migration Point

    This will allow captured user states to be temporarily stored in the previously created shared folder. USMT can instead use hard-link migration which is a more efficient process.

    PXE Service Point

    This will allow you to use network-located boot images to boot up computers with no operating system for OSD.

    Reporting Point

    Using this, you can generate reports from the ConfigMgr database and track the process of running deployment jobs.

    Software Update Point

    This allows ConfigMgr to deploy security updates to managed computers.

  3. You are asked if you want ports to be opened to allow the PXE service point to work. Click Yes if you plan to capture a user state using USMT and store it on the network. You can use the site database for the Server Locator Point.

    Figure 8. Enabling site roles

    USMT 4.0 and Hard-Link Migration

    The User State Migration Toolkit has traditionally used a file share or the state migration point to temporarily store the user state in a safe location. You can choose to do so if you wish to keep data off the machine. USMT 4.0 introduces a feature called hard-link migration. It is much faster. Rather than copying a captured user state to a file share and then restoring it later, it remaps the locations of the files in the file system. These files are left untouched during the operating system rebuild and are moved back into the correct location afterward.

  4. Configure the state migration point, if installed, as shown in Figure 9, with the location of the folder you created. In this example, it is D:\USMT.


    Note that if you use MDT you won't have to install the state migration point. You can configure multiple locations. You can specify the maximum number of clients that can be installed and how much free space should be left in the location.

    You can also use the state migration point properties to specify how long data should be retained after being restored to a PC. You can delete the data immediately or accept the default of keeping it for one day. Keeping the data consumes disk space but does allow you to recover from glitches that might happen. Would you really want to lose a user's profile and data when you could have the option to keep it around for a few days before having it automatically deleted?

    Figure 9. Setting up the state migration point

    The PXE service point has a number of options, as you can see in Figure 10. By default, ConfigMgr will not allow unknown computers to boot up using a network-provided boot image. Any new computer would need to be pre-provisioned. This would be required in highly secure networks. However, most organizations might want something a little more administrator- and user-friendly.

    Figure 10. Setting up the PXE service point
  5. On the PXE - General screen, select the Enable Unknown Computer Support check box to allow ConfigMgr to facilitate PXE service for these new machines. You can optionally protect the PXE service with a password, enable it on only selected interfaces, and delay the response (which is useful in multi-VLAN networks with many PXE services).

    Failed PXE Boots

    A PXE boot might fail for a number of reasons. If the DHCP part of the boot times out, then you should start by checking for an Active Directory-approved DHCP server with a valid scope for your network. There should be free IP addresses in the scope. Check that the PXE service point is listed as an approved DHCP server using the DHCP console. This is because PXE is based on the same network protocol. If you see an error related to architectures, ensure that you have both x86 and X64 boot images available on the PXE distribution point.

  6. Continue to accept the defaults until you get to the Software Update point configuration. You might need to configure a proxy server if you have one.

  7. In Active Settings, configure the Port Number and SSL Port Number to match the ports that your WSUS server installation uses. You can then set up the Microsoft Catalog synchronization. This includes the schedule, the classifications of updates, and the products that you wish to update.

    Note that Windows 7 won't appear in here as a product until the first synchronization has taken place. Don't select too much if you are just working on a lab because it will take time to process.

  8. Finally there is the annoying Languages screen. Clear the unwanted languages here. A number of languages are selected by default and there is no quick way to clear them other than going through each one, one at a time. Not clearing the unwanted ones will increase the work you need to do later when working with update management in ConfigMgr. Production environments should download all the languages that are supported on the network.

  9. Check on the System Status a little while after the role installation is completed. Any problems with dependencies will be highlighted and you should resolve them before progressing. Note that some errors or warnings will be created just because the roles are only being created or starting up for the first time. They could eventually work themselves out.

  10. You could allow time for the initial Microsoft catalog software update synchronization to take place. Or you could force a synchronization to happen by navigating into \Computer Management\Software Updates, right-clicking on Update Repository, and selecting Run Synchronization. Wait a few minutes, and check the site status (Component Status\SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER) to see the results. Then you can go into Site Settings\Component Configuration\Software Update Point Component and select whatever products you wish to manage updates for (such as Windows 7, which is now visible). The selected update types for the selected products can now be updated and managed using Software Updates.

    If you install the Software Update Point role, then also return to Client Installation Methods in Site Settings and enable Software Update Point Client Installation.

The setup of Configuration Manager is all done! It was a long process. It might make you wonder about the value of using ConfigMgr for OSD at all. Think of this work as an investment. You need to put in a big investment to get big returns. ConfigMgr is aimed at large organizations. You put in the work early on and are rewarded with completely automated OSD for the entire WAN. Next, we are going to look at creating and managing boot images in ConfigMgr 2007.
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