Five ways Jump Lists can
save your time
Launch items

It’s quicker to launch a file from here
To open a Jump List,
simply right-click on a program icon on your taskbar item to see a list of
recently opened files associated with that application. It’s quicker to launch
a file from here than from the file’s location.
Pin items

‘Pin’ your favourite items to a Jump List
Only the 10 most recent
items are shown. However, you can ‘pin’ your favourite items to a Jump List so
that they’re shown permanently. Click the pin to have them clocked and click
again to unpin.
Get in control

Adding more recent items enables you to launch them quickly.
You can add more recent
items by right-clicking on the taskbar, enabling you to launch them quickly. In
your browser, just click the icon next to the URL and drag it down to the
taskbar to add it.
Pin sites

Pinning the websites enables you to launch them quickly.
You can pin the websites
that you browse to regularly to the taskbar, enabling you to launch them
quickly. In your browser, just click the icon next to the URL and drag it down
to the taskbar to add it.
Get more

Drag National Rail to the taskbar from Internet 9
If you use Internet
Explorer 9, some websites have added functionality and are quicker to use. Try
dragging National Rail to the taskbar from Internet 9, and you’ll see how easy
it is to use.
Internet Explorer speed-up

IE speed-up tips make Windows’ web services work faster for you,
[Alt] + [D]: select the
text in the Address bar
[F4]: displays a
list of addresses you’ve typed
[Ctrl] + Left arrow: when in the
Address bar, move the cursor left to the next logical break in the address
(period or slash).
[Ctrl] + [Enter]: add www. to
the beginning and .com to the end of he text typed in the Address bar.
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]: delete
browsing history
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [P]: open an
InPrivate Browsing window
[Ctrl] + [T]: open a new
[Ctrl] + 1-9: switch to a
specific tab number