8. StarOffice
Specialist for old languages
You want to open rare and old Office
file formats without having to convert them.

8 can recognize, read and save most of the old forgotten formats separately.
The latest Office Packet can no longer
import old text or calculation files with endings like SAM, PDB or HPP. If you
still do not know which application created the old file, you would need an
appropriate tool to access and convert these files having special and old
formats. Instead of several individual solutions we recommend a packet that
recognizes most of the file formats. Even as Microsoft Office limits its choice
of formats and standards, you can enjoy some liberty with Open Office and its
successor LibreOffice. The broad selection also offers the outdated StarOffice
8 which has its legacy in the Google Pack. To download, open the website and download the set-up file. Start "setup.exe" and
follow the wizard to install StarOffice 8. The packet is quite extensive and
recognizes quite a few formats, thus, saving your efforts to search for the
specific formats. Start the most compatible components "StarOffice Writer"
or "StarOffice Calc" and go to "File | Open". Then navigate
to the folder of your choice and select "File type" in the combo box.
In the long list, you will see that, not every DOC file originates from Word.
It could be a DisplayWrite, MacWord, Rapid File or VolksWriter file. Try
different variations till you get a good display of the data. To complete the
conversion, go to "File | Save as", where the file format can use the
default "ODF Text document" completely in the "ODT" format.
This format can be opened in all the latest Word versions without any problem.
9. Firefox 7/8
Recovering the complete address
You want Firefox to display complete
address instead of the shortened URL.

address shortening can be deactivated from "about:config" to prevent
After updating to Firefox 7, the
"http://" seen in the URLs in the address has disappeared. The new
shortened address is really practical, as without the "http://" more
space is available for the rest of the address. However, you still prefer having
the entire address then you can do so by changing a setting in the advanced
configuration. Type "about:config" in the address bar and then press
the enter key. Click "I'll be careful, I promise!" to confirm. Search
the entry "browser.urlbar.trimURLs". Double click that and change the
setting to "False". This will immediately activate the complete URL
in the address bar.
10. Word 2007 /2010
Removing old borders
You want to remove the dividing line
in the footnote area of a text document.

lines for footnotes and endnotes can be removed by clicking on
"Layout" in the View tab.
Word divides footnotes and endnotes from
the rest of the document with the help of dividing lines. To remove this
dividing line, first click on "View" then go to "Draft Layout".
Then open "References" in "Footnotes" and select "Show
Notes". However, you must ensure that at least one footnote or endnote is
there in the page for this to come into effect. If the document has both the
endnote and the footnote, then when you will click on "Show Notes" it
will ask you whether you want to view footnotes or endnotes, select the option
you want and click on "OK"
Now go to the combo box "Footnotes
"or "Endnotes that will show depending on your selection. For
instance if you are viewing footnotes then in the dropdown box select
"Footnote Separator". The line used by the Word processor appears.
You can delete this line by marking it with a double click and deleting it with
[Del] key. End the task by clicking on "Close". If you want to insert
the footnote separator line again then open the configuration for
"Footnote Separator" and click "Reset".