Free up some storage by erasing your cache

The cache is a component that stores data
that is frequently used, such as login details to social media sites and email
accounts. If you're an avid browser, then chances are you're going to have a
pretty extensive library of cache data, which ultimately will take up valuable
bits of storage on your device.
If you haven't previously erased your
cache, you might find the data stored there quite tricky to access, so instead
you can use an application to do the work for you. In this tutorial we'll be
using the free iTap Eraser app to help you effortlessly, and simply, remove all
the cached data on your Android device.
Check your data
After downloading and installing ITap
Eraser, open It up and take a look at all the data currently stored in your
cache. The home screen will display each section of your cache, and how much
data each section stores. Tick the boxes next to each option to add them to
your erasing list.
Choose individual files
If there are certain sections from which
you want to save a few bits of data from, then press on that section on the
home screen. From here you can select individual messages, phone numbers,
passwords and login details that you want to save, while the rest will be added
to your eraser list.
Open external app
Near the bottom of the app you’ll find
links to your history In both the Chrome and YouTube app. Opening these tabs
will let you select the parts of the cached data within these apps that you
want to add to the list of data you’re about to erase.
Confirm eraser
After making your way through the entire
list of cached data you can choose to select from, double-check to make sure
you have everything ticked to confirm you want to erase. Scroll to the bottom
of the 1Tap Eraser application and select the Erase tab. You'll now see a
run-down of the data you’re clearing; press the Continue button to confirm the
Did it work?
Depending on how much data you’re erasing,
the process can take anywhere from two to ten minutes to complete. Once done
you’ll be taken back to the app to see all the files that were removed. Go
through the sections to make sure all the data you requested to be removed was
erased, and if not, just repeat the process.
Before confirming, make sure all the files
you have selected to erase are listed
Explore the Google Now service
Dig a little deeper and you'll find plenty
of new features to utilise...
For many, Google Now is the premier feature
that was included with the Android 4.1 update.
Despite it being a comprehensive way of
getting information regarding your life, via a unique card system, there are
plenty of cards many people will have yet to discover. If you don't use your
phone regularly, or have the GPS on your device disabled, chances are you've
probably only tipped the iceberg of possible cards for you to uncover.

the Google Now service
There are a series of new cards that have
been added to Google Now to take it to the next level.
There's a local cinema listing card that
will alert you to when the next Hollywood blockbuster is being shown in your
area. More teams have been added to the sports card, allowing you to track the
results of your favourite football, NBA and NHL team. There are so many, we
haven't got enough room to list them all!
Depending on what you search for in Google
Now, you may find that the feature will display a card relating to it.
Searching for movies for example will showcase the cinemas in your area, and
searching for restaurants will display the closest places to eat at your
current location
Make sure the Location Search option is
enabled in your settings, as this will allow Google Now to instantly track your
movements. If you travel abroad, you’ll see schedules for public transport in
the area, as well as a card ready for you to translate
more detail
No matter what cards you have enabled on
Google Now, each of them can be expanded by simply pressing on them. The
weather card, when pressed, will open up a full hour-by-hour seven-day forecast
for you to look through
your cards
Each card can be altered to how you want
the app to display it, and how often you see it. By opening up each card’s
individual settings, you can choose how to prioritise that card, and set the
level of notifications you get regarding it
You might find that depending on when,
where and how you use your phone, chances are you won't come across every card
that Google Now offers. The more you use your phone, and the more you travel
with it, you’ll uncover more of the features Google Now has to offer.