Smartphones are integrated with
advanced technology to help users comfortably to entertain and approach new and
interesting information on Internet quickly and easily.
The following smartphone models can surf on
website quickly in the market and users can choose them in new year.
Samsung ATIV S
In the last period, Samsung introduced
impressive smartphones at a time. After the success of Galaxy generation, Korean
telephone firm continues introducing Samsung ATIV S that runs Windows Phone 8.
Through dual core processor that is integrated in smartphone, Samsung proved
that Microsoft’s declaration “Windows Phone 8 doesn’t need strong hardware” is

ATIV S runs Windows Phone 8.
ATIV S has AMOLED 4.8-inch screen that use
to be equipped on Galaxy S III. It brings displaying ability that is
ultra-sharp and smooth. In addition, Microsoft integrated on this smartphone
Internet Explorer 10 version and filters to prevent phishing aggressive ability
and respectable HTML 5 efficiency. It means that surfing on website on ATIV S
is as good as traditional PC.
Samsung Galaxy Note II
Galaxy S III and Note II has good ability
of surfing on website. However, processing speed on note II is faster and
stronger because it is integrated with quad-core chip.
Moreover, big screen is also an advantage
of Note II when content of web and images are displayed sufficiently and
clearly. When it is zoomed large, text lines will display on AMOLED 5.5-inch
screen without breaking. Moreover, Samsung also integrates feature of saving
content to read offline that is rather convenient to users.

II is integrated with quad-core chip.
BlackBerry Torch 9810
Smartphone of BlackBerry is not as hot as
iPhone 5 or Galaxy S III; however, it has ability of surfing websites that is
as good as competitors in the same parts. This product runs BlackBerry OS 7
operating system; processor of Torch 9810 is also upgraded to 1.2 GHz.
The quality of Torch’s screen is rather
good when websites are displayed sharply. Zooming feature operates sensitively.
When L-Series smartphone is introduced in the next period, the ability of
surfing website on BlackBerry will be improved more.

product runs BlackBerry OS 7 operating system.
iPhone 5
The new generation iPhone not only has
large screen but also brings more perfect experience than previous versions. Although
it is only equipped with dual-core chip, good compatibleness of hardware and
software makes speed of iPhone 5 good. It is even smoother than products that
have quad-core.
In addition, Retina screen’s technology of
iPhone is highlight that attracts users. The other important thing is that iOS
equipment doesn’t support Flash, but it concentrates to support HTML5 that can
help watch video on web background better.

5 not only has large screen but also brings more perfect experience than
previous versions.
Sky Limo X2+
Limo X2+ has speed to connect Wi-Fi that is
fast enough to watch online HD film, watch Flash in websites. This smartphone
runs Android 4.1 with Google copyright. Its screen is 4.5 inches and it also
has 1GHz configuration with dual core chip, DDRAM2 1 GB that has multi-jet. X2+
supports enough Wi-Fi connection that has n standard, GPS, 3G, camera with 8
points and the ability to transmit Wi-Fi for laptop or other equipment.

smartphone runs Android 4.1 with Google copyright.
Sky Limo X2+ is rare in the market. It is
equipped with HDMI gate that can help transfer images that display on
smartphone’s screen to TV to surf on website, read newspaper, watch online
film, play games on large TV. This product only has price $214.