Windows Phone 7 : Creating our First Vertex Rendering Project (part 2) - Rendering the Object, Moving the Object

9/29/2013 9:12:10 PM

2. Rendering the Object

Everything is fully initialized now and we're ready to draw the square to the screen. Because we are only using vertex colors without textures, there is nothing to read in the LoadContent function, so we can leave this alone. We have nothing to update at the moment, either, so let's move straight on to the Draw function.

The screen is cleared (to CornflowerBlue once again) as it was for sprites, but the approach we take to drawing now is very different. Instead of the SpriteBatchBasicEffect that we created earlier to manage the drawing for us. object, we use the

Each effect can contain one or more techniques. These are the specific rendering operations that are contained within the effect—the effect acting as a container for one or more techniques. Each of the effects provided with XNA for Windows Phone 7 contains just a single technique, so we don't need to pay much attention to this. We will just use the default technique that the effect provides for us.

Finally, each technique contains one or more passes that perform the actual rendering to the screen. If the rendering of an effect needs to perform multiple updates to the content of the screen in order to render, there will be multiple passes returned from the technique, each of which will need to be drawn. BasicEffect uses only one pass, but just for good form we will set our code to loop for all passes that might be returned from the effect, to save confusion later on when we do encounter multiple-pass effects.

Bearing all that in mind, the code required to render the square is shown in Listing 7. Once the pass has been determined, its Apply method is called to tell XNA to activate it. The code then calls DrawUserPrimitives, telling it the type of primitive that it is rendering, and passing various details about what to draw. The parameters for the DrawUserPrimitives function are as follows:

  • primitiveType contains the type of primitive that we wish to draw. In this case, we draw a TriangleStrip. The available primitives will be discussed in the next section.

  • vertexData allows us to pass the array of vertices that we have defined.

  • vertexOffset is a value that allows us to start considering the vertices at a position within the array other than its start. We are not using this, so we just pass 0.

  • primitiveCount is the number of primitives that we are drawing. As we specified that XNA should draw triangles, setting this to 2 means to draw 2 triangles. Remember that this is counting primitives, not vertices.

The code for the Draw function is shown in Listing 7.

Example 7. Drawing the colored square
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

foreach (EffectPass pass in _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
// Apply the pass
// Draw the square
GraphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, _vertices, 0, 2);


The resulting graphic can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The rendered output from the ColoredSquare example

Notice how XNA has handled the colors within the rendered square. Each vertex is colored exactly as we had requested, but between them XNA performs a smooth fade between the colors. This is known as color interpolation and is something that you will see again in the future: any vertex parameters such as colors that differ from one vertex to the next will result in a smooth fade as XNA renders between them. This can be very useful and attractive, as this example demonstrates.

3. Moving the Object

To achieve this, we first need to track the rotation angle. We will do this by adding a class-level float variable named _angle, and will update it by 5 degrees each update, as shown in Listing 8.

Example 8. Updating the angle of the square
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
// Allows the game to exit
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)

_angle += MathHelper.ToRadians(5);


To apply the angle to the square, we need to update the world matrix . Because we want to rotate the square, we need to give it a rotation matrix. XNA's MatrixCreateRotationZ function. This function accepts a single parameter (the rotation angle) and returns a matrix ready for us to use. class provides various methods for creating such a matrix, and the one we will select for our example is the

The updated code to draw the square with rotation is shown in Listing 9.

Example 9. Rotating and drawing the colored square
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

// Set the world matrix so that the square rotates
_effect.World = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(_angle);

foreach (EffectPass pass in _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
// Apply the pass
// Draw the square
GraphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, _vertices, 0, 2);


Note that the call toDrawUserPrimitives that is actually drawing the square is completely unchanged; it is the state of the effect that is causing the object to rotate, not the instruction to draw. This is clearly different to the approach we used with sprite-based rendering.

4. Adding some Sparkle

Of course, this rotating square only scratches the surface of what we can achieve with XNA. Let's make a simple change to the project that results in a dramatic and attractive enhancement to the displayed graphics.

If we modify the Draw code so that it is as shown in Listing 10, we will see that it has a significant effect on the graphics that are drawn to the screen, as shown in Figure 3. The code for this can be found in the NestedSquares example project.

Example 10. Rendering the square in the NestedSquares example project.
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)

// Reset the world matrix
_effect.World = Matrix.Identity;

// Loop for each square
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
foreach (EffectPass pass in _effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
// Apply a further rotation
_effect.World = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(_angle) * _effect.World;
// Scale the object so that it is shown slightly smaller
_effect.World = Matrix.CreateScale(0.85f) * _effect.World;

// Apply the pass
// Draw the square
(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, _vertices, 0, 2);


Figure 3. The rendered output from the NestedSquares example

The screen shots sadly don't do justice to the effect project in operation; it is much better in motion than in still images, but this gives an idea of the patterns that this tiny piece of code is able to generate.

All that the loop is doing is drawing 20 shapes instead of one, each of which is slightly smaller than the last and rotated to a different angle. The scale and rotate operations are cumulative, meaning that, although the first (largest) square is rotated by the angle specified in _angle, the second square is rotated by double this angle, the third by three times the angle, and so on.

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