Since the dawn of time, nature has been
working hard, engineering everyone and everything to the highest standards on
Dragonflies that can propel themselves in
any direction, sharks with skin with tiny scales that help them swim faster,
termites able to build dens that always keep a steady and comfortable
temperature inside – those examples are just a drop in the ocean of amazing
nature- designed solutions.
Granted, there have been a few individual
attempts to copy nature’s designs. For instance, back in the 15th
Century, Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci looked at birds’ anatomy while
sketching his “flying machine”. His device never took off, but the Wright
brothers did manage to build the first aeroplane in 1903 – after years of
observing pigeons in 1903 – after years of observing pigeons.

Of Nature… By Tech?
Still, several decades had to pass before
businesses began realizing that nature could really help them too. Probably one
of the most notable nature – inspired technologies of the last century is the
well-known hook-and-loop fastener, Velcro. The man who invented it, Swiss
George de Mestral, is said to have been inspired by burrs he constantly removed
from his dog’s fur.
Innovation and copycats.

2025, biomimicry could affect about $1tn, of annual gross domestic product ,
and account for up to 1.6 million US jobs.
But it wasn’t until the late 20th
Century, that many firms really started to devote time, money and often an
entire team of designers, specifically charged with looking at biological
solutions to technological hurdles they came across.
“It is important to look at nature – after
all, it has had 3.8 billion years to come up with ideas,” says Janine Benyus, a
natural history writer who coined the term “biomimicry” in 1998. Ms Benyus was
the first person to really describe this emerging science in her book
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. She says that after the book went
viral, entrepreneurs from all over the world started calling her, seeking
advice on resolving a particular issue in a non-traditional, nature – copying
So the world’s first Biomimicry Institute
was set up in 2005, with a team of consultants trained to help businesses.
“They come in, we learn what it is they’re trying to do, and we look for that
same function in the natural world – we do huge biological literature
searches.” Says Ms Benyus. “And then we say: “Well, that’s how nature has done
it for 3.8 billion years! And it’s always a lot less energy, a lot less
material, no toxins – a lot better.”
Ms Benyus’s clients range from NASA to a
multitude of companies of many different domains. According to a well-known
economist Lynn Reaser, on the global scale by 2025, biomimicry could affect
about $1tn, of annual gross domestic product , and account for up to 1.6
million US jobs.
Butterfly’s Wings

Goodman, senior marketing director of Qualcomm
There are three types of biomimicry – one
is copying form and shape, another is copying a process, like photosynthesis in
a leaf, and the third is mimicling at an ecosystem’s level, like building a
nature- inspired city. Businesses are usually interested in the first two
categories, she adds – and a great example of tehh shape-based type is the
Mirasol displays produced by a US mobile phone chip maker, Qualcomm.
Unlike regular screens with backlight or
e-ink these displays, which are still being developed, create colour by
mimicking the way a butterfly’s wings reflect sunlight. The displays play video
just like any other tablet or smartphone, but have a much longer battery life
and softer-for-the –eyes effect of e-ink readers.
“The innovation has been inspired by the
same natural principles that enable the reflective shimmer you see from a
butterfly’s wings or a peacock’s feather.” Says Cheryl Goodman, senior
marketing director of Qualcomm. She explains that all the displays need for
illumination is ambient light, thus being “both low power and viewable in a
variety of lighting environments, including derect sunlight”. The company says
that the products are pretty much ready and just need some final touches before
appearing on the market – with a number of firms already toying with idea of
using them in their products.