Automatic Windows Fixes (part 2)
Find and fix

These wizards work well for most common
problems, but do not always find correctly in an easy way. Fix homepage may be
rather confusing, and you may spend more time reading solution list. A
bothersome thing is that solutions are listed for all versions of Windows, so
some may not work on your PC (an error message will show you this before wizard
starts). At least at this time this problem can be solved for XP and Vista users by installing beta version of Fix It Center program on PC.
Another way to find suitable fix method is
use Advanced Search feature. On Fix It homepage, click the link Advanced Search
(below title “Microsoft Help and Support”). Type a brief description of the
problem (including text from any error message), select the right Windows
version of the program from menu falling down, then click to unmark all marks
off boxes below title “Where do you want to search?”, except from Microsoft
Answers and Windows Online boxes. Click Search, and then the list of solution
articles will appear. The more details are typed in the search box, the more
ability you get to find suitable article.
These links will lead to supporting
articles of Microsoft, and if the article has a new Fix It solution, opening
link may cause a message box to appear with the link to run wizard. With older
articles, there may be one link and Fix It icon on the article itself – click
it to run wizard.
Fix It Online
As we reminded, Fix It Center presents all
available solutions for all Windows versions. To find a solution for a
particular PC, Fix It Online Beta app can be used. It is freely available from although you need Windows
Live ID to use it (you can register during installation process). This
account can be used for any PC amounts.
The program checks which are installed on
each PC and just download related solutions, which helps you to use them more
easily. There are more available solutions when you log in Fix It Center Online
website. Remember that it is still at beta period, so some parts of the tool do
not work appropriately, but it is worth trying.
Windows 7 users cannot use this program at
this time, but the full version for all Windows versions is planned to be
launched in the future. Meanwhile, Windows 7 users can discover the preset
problem fix programs of the operating system (that are discussed in the main
Use another PC
If PC’s internet connection has problem, it
is quite clear that Fix It service will not work. However, if you access to
another PC, solutions can be downloaded into USB or CD drive, then runs on broken-down
PC. To do this, click Learn More link below Run Now green button for any solution.
It will bring a solution description, with Run Now large green button on the
right. Below it, there is an “Advanced” link. Click this, then click Download
orange button. If File Download Security Warning dialog box appear, click Save
then select a position for file that has just been downloaded. Firefox users
should select Save File to save download in default download section of
Firefox. Now find and double click the downloaded file (named “Launch
Fixit.exe”) from folder “Fixit Portable”. This download version contains all
existing auto-solutions but does not have other supporting and problem-fix
links. Running them is as on the online version.
Windows 7
Although some Fix It solutions work in
Windows 7, users of Microsoft’s latest operating system really are not require
to use Fix It website – since some excellent problem fix wizards are integrated
in Windows. You can see links leading to them at suitable places. For example,
open Network and Sharing Center (by clicking network icon on Notification Area
and select Open Network and Sharing Center) and you will see a recent
Troubleshoot Problems link. Click this to open windows containing all
network-related problem-fix wizards. The advantage is that these tools are
designed specifically for Windows 7. They work very well and have clear
instructions for you.
To see all problem fix wizards at a same
place (different numbers depend on Windows 7’s version), click Start, type
troubleshooting in the search box and select Troubleshooting link from the
results. You will see the wizard list. To see all, click View All at menu
windows on the left. Sections marked “Online” at Location column need internet
connection to work. You can again set up to fix error with a click.
When Fix It fails
Though Fix It is very good when solving
many problems, it cannot fix everything. For example, if you are facing
internet problems, Fix It can diagnoses problem with router setting – but
cannot fix it. When a wizard fails, on the its last step, click “Explore
additional solutions online” button. This time, click “Send troubleshooter
results” button to visit a webpage with more appropriate advice (there is no
need to send personal information).
You also need to read the detailed report
in Fix It wizard to define any failed solution, then use this information to
find more solutions by using Advanced Search on Fix It website as described
Other resources on Microsoft’s supporting
websites can be useful if the problem is difficult to solve. Microsoft Answers
is the forum of specialists (sometimes Microsoft’s staff) where you can find or
browse answers for the problems. Questions answered successfully are marked
with large green check mark icon. To give question, you need to log in website
with Windows Live ID (such as Hotmail credential), but anyone can browse
website. Type a question in the large search box and click “Find an answer”
option to see results from Answer forum as well as Microsoft Support website –
click tabs above result list to shift among them.
Do not forget to check the preset help
section of Windows since it has much useful information and available advice.
Have you managed to fix it?
It is a wonderful feeling when problem is
solved, especially when what you have to do is click some buttons. Fix It
Center is a great idea, and although it has some restriction, it has been
improved according to time. Therefore, spend time to find out the way it works.
You will not regret when there is something breaking down.
Just press F1
One of the ways that are usually skipped
when searching for problem solving help is F1 button, which is a common button for
Windows and its apps. Windows Help and Support Center can be run by clicking
Start, then click Help and Support. Browse content in section or type a search
term. Press F1 in any windows and the help related to the task will appear.
Windows’ help (and for other Microsoft’s
products such as Office) is really excellent: clear, deep, and easy to do.
There are many instructions illustrated for newbie as well as advanced
instructions for complex problems. We usually include links to open special
Windows setting that you need to change. Certainly, it is worth spending time
to see.