There's no end to the tricks you can employ to
squeeze more speed out of your PC, but few, hopefully—will end up making that much of a difference.
Probably the most effective steps you can take involve your hard disk.Paradoxically,
this section's first topic involves the Glass interface, a new feature
that indeed makes Windows run more slowly. But making Vista perform
isn't always about making it run faster; rather, performance is as much about the quality of your experience as it is about raw, number-crunching speed.
Keep in mind that there's a certain point beyond which your computer is
going to turn into a money and time pit. The older your system is, the
less time and energy you'll want to invest in making it run well, and
the more you should start looking to replace it. It's easy to calculate
the point of diminishing returns: just compare the estimated cost of an
upgrade—both the monetary cost and the amount of time you'll have to
commit—with the cost of a new system (minus what you might get for
selling or donating your old system). I stress this point a great deal,
because I've seen it happen time and time again: people end up spending
too much and getting too little in return. A simple hardware upgrade
ends up taking days of troubleshooting and configuring, only to result
in the discovery that yet something else
needs to be replaced as well. Taking into account that whatever you end
up with will still eventually need to be further upgraded to remain
current, it is often more cost effective to replace the entire system
and either sell or donate the old parts.
That said, the following sections detail some things you can do to make Windows run faster and/or better.
1. Get Glass
Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.
—Anton Chekhov
all suckers for a pretty face. You may or may not think "Aero" Glass,
the translucent new interface in Windows Vista, is actually pretty,
but you can't deny that it's a welcome change from the homely,
cartoonish look of XP, and a convenient way to see what's behind the
window on top (see Figure 1).

also includes some flashy goodies, such as buttons that glow a cool
blue when you roll over them with the mouse, live thumbnail previews of
running tasks in the taskbar and the Alt-Tab window, and the silly Flip3D Rolodex-style task switcher (Winkey+Tab).
you got Windows Vista preinstalled on a new PC, and you're using the
Home Premium edition or better, then you're probably already using the
Glass interface. But what if you've upgraded an older PC, or have the
Home Basic edition of Vista? Or what if Glass simply doesn't work?
problems with Vista's Glass feature are twofold. First, Glass has
somewhat hefty technical requirements, not the least of which is a fast
video card with at least 64 Mb of video memory (or more for higher
resolutions), a Vista-compatible video driver, and a 3D gaming feature
called Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware. And because Aero Glass guzzles CPU cycles, you'll want a fast processor and a fast video card to enjoy it.
Second, it can be a little tricky to get all the pieces in place so that Vista will even give you the option of enabling the Glass interface.
So, without further ado, here's a fairly foolproof procedure to get Glass on your PC.
1.1. Part 1: Hardware
The number-one ingredient in a good Glass experience is a fast graphics card with sufficient video memory onboard.
faster card, which you can only get by spending money on a replacement
and installing it in your PC, will help offload the burden of the Glass
interface, so your CPU is free to handle other tasks.The card must also support a 3D feature called
Pixel Shader 2.0 in its hardware (not software), and must be compatible
with DirectX 9.
desktop PCs take PCI-Express (PCIE) cards, and while Glass-capable PCIE
cards are common, it can be difficult to find a sufficiently powerful
card designed for the AGP slot in an older PC. But if you're not adverse
to scrounging on eBay for a used or discontinued card, nVidia's 6800
series of AGP cards are up to the task, and supported by nVidia's
frequently updated Vista drivers. If you're looking for top-notch AGP
performance, look for a card with the nVidia 6800Ultra chip and 256 Mb
of onboard memory. |
memory may be a different matter. In most cases, video memory is
permanently installed on your video card; unlike your PC's system
memory, it can't be upgraded unless you replace your card. But if you
have a laptop or low-end desktop, your video is likely built into your
motherboard, and its video memory is merely a portion of your PC's
system memory (which is
upgradable). This means that it may be possible to allocate more system
memory for your video (at the expense of memory Windows can use) by
changing a setting or two in your system BIOS.
how much video memory do you need? It depends on your screen's
resolution, but a basic rule of thumb is that you need a minimum of
about 48 bytes of video memory for each pixel on your screen, as shown
in Table 1.
Table 1. The amount of video memory required to use Glass at common screen resolutions
Aspect ratio
# of pixels
Video memory required
32 MB
32 MB
64 MB
64 MB
64 MB
64 MB
64 MB
64 MB
64 MB
64 MB
128 MB
128 MB
128 MB
128 MB
256 MB
256 MB
256 MB
you can see, it may be possible to get Glass with as little as 32 MB of
video memory on some lower resolutions—and there are those who have
achieved this—but depending on your card and its driver, your mileage
may vary.
As for your PC,
it's a good idea to have at least 1 gigabyte of system memory (RAM).
Although you can get away with less—and you may have to if your video
memory is being shared with your system memory as described earlier—you
may not find the performance acceptable on a PC with less than 512 MB.
1.2. Part 2: Software
the hardware elements in place, the next thing to worry about is your
video driver. Although Vista comes with drivers for most common display
adapters, the best driver you're likely to get is the one provided by
the maker of the chip on your video card.
The most common video chips are nVidia GeForce ( and ATI Radeon (; if you're not sure who makes the video card in your PC, open Device Manager in Control Panel and expand the Display adapters
branch. Just make sure the driver supports the Windows Display Driver
Model; in most cases, the driver must be expressly written for Windows
Once you're certain you have the latest video driver, follow these steps to enable Glass:
Update your Windows Experience Index, so that Windows can reassess your video
subsystem's capabilities. You may need to restart Windows if the
Performance Information and Tools window doesn't update your score after
a reasonable wait.
In Control Panel, open the System page, and click the Advanced system settings link on the left side (or run SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe).
In the Performance section, click the Settings button.
Turn on the Enable desktop composition and Enable transparent glass options, and then click OK and then OK again to close the two windows. (These options may not be present if you're not using the Aero interface.)
Back in Control Panel, go to the Personalization page, and click the Display Settings link.
If you know how much video memory is on your video card, refer to Table 1, earlier in this section, to determine the highest screen resolution you can use with Glass. If needed, adjust the Resolution slider to the left to choose a lower value; otherwise, if your card supports it, the resolution should set as high as it goes. |
From the Colors drop-down listbox, select Highest (32 bit) and then click OK.
Back on the Personalization page, click the Window Color and Appearance link, and then click the Open classic appearance properties for more color options link.
From the Color scheme list, select Windows Aero, and then click OK. After a brief delay, the Glass interface should now be active.
Again on the Personalization page, click the Window Color and Appearance link again, and turn on the Enable transparency option if it's not already on.
While you're here, use the color blocks to choose a tint for the glass, or click Show color mixer for more control. Adjust the Color intensity
slider to choose the opacity of the glass; move it to the left to make
it more transparent, or to the right to make it more opaque.
Click OK when you're done.
If you still don't have Glass at this point, either your video card or your video driver is to blame. For instance, if the Windows Aero entry isn't present in the Color scheme list in step 8, or if selecting it shows an error message, then Windows doesn't believe your PC is Glass-capable.
1.3. Part 3: Tweaks
doesn't take a degree from Art Center to notice that Microsoft took
some design cues from the Aqua interface in Mac OS X (not that Apple
didn't borrow some of its ideas, too). While Microsoft actually managed
to outdo Apple in a few areas—the minimize, maximize, and close buttons
spring to mind—the Flip 3D task switcher is no match for Exposé, the
Mac's all-at-once task switcher. Luckily, you can mimic Exposé with My
Expose, free from, and shown in Figure 2.

you find the aforementioned title bar buttons—minimize, maximize, and
close—too big (or not big enough), you can resize them. Open the
Personalization page in Control Panel, click Window Color and Appearance, click Open classic appearance properties for more color options, and then click the Advanced button. From the Item list, select Active Title Bar, and then use the Size
control to the right to shrink or grow the title bar. The preview shows
the classic interface only, so take your best guess, and click OK to see how it looks.
1.4. Part 3a: Vista Home Basic
Home Basic doesn't support the Glass interface, and this is
intentional; why else would you pay extra for Vista Home Premium?
there are a number of hacks floating around the Web that promise to
bring Glass to Home Basic with nothing more than a change to the
Registry. Unfortunately, these were all written for the beta and CTP
(Consumer Technology Preview) versions of Vista that made the rounds in
2006. Unfortunately, the Glass interface is simply not present in Home
Basic, but that doesn't mean you can't still come close.
If that won't cut it, check out Stardock WindowBlinds (demo at
And while there weren't any themes that mimicked Vista Aero Glass
exactly at the time of this writing, there were quite a few Vista-esque
themes available from
that's not all. To get the thumbnail previews that float over taskbar
buttons in Home Basic, check out Visual Task Tips, free from