With your news account
defined, your next chore is to subscribe to one or more newsgroups. If
you don’t have the Newsgroup Subscriptions window open from the previous
section, use any of the following techniques to display it:
If you have multiple
news accounts, click the one you want to work with in the Account(s)
list. (If you elected not to download the account’s newsgroups from the
server during the account setup, Outlook Express will automatically
download the newsgroups now.) Outlook Express displays the account’s
newsgroups, as shown in Figure 1.
Newsgroups are at the
heart of Usenet, so you’ll need to become comfortable with basic
newsgroup chores such as subscribing and unsubscribing. The next two
sections take you through the basics.
Subscribing to a Newsgroup
Before you can read or post
articles, you have to add a newsgroup or two to your news server
account. You have two ways of doing this: You can subscribe to a
newsgroup or you can open a newsgroup without committing to a
Either way, you must
first display the group you want in the Newsgroup list. You can either
scroll through the groups or type all or part of the newsgroup name in
the Display Newsgroups Which Contain text box. Note that Outlook Express
looks for group names that contain the text you type. If you type startrek, for example, Outlook Express will match alt.startrek, rec.arts.startrek.fandom, and so on. This example is shown in Figure 2.
newsgroups have descriptions that give you a brief overview of what the
group is about. By default, Outlook Express doesn’t download these
descriptions because it slows down the group retrieval process. However,
if you have a fast connection, you should tell Outlook Express to
download the descriptions. To do that, return to Outlook Express and
select Tools, Accounts. In the News tab, click the news account you want
to work with and then click Properties to open the account’s property
sheet. In the Advanced tab, activate the Use Newsgroup Descriptions
check box and then click OK. Open the Newsgroup Subscriptions window
again, click the new server, and then click Reset List. Outlook Express
downloads the newsgroup names and their descriptions. To include the
descriptions when searching newsgroup names, activate the Also Search
Descriptions check box.
After you’ve selected a newsgroup, use either of the following techniques:
If you just want
to view the group without subscribing, click Go To. You’ll be returned
to the Outlook Express window with the newsgroup displayed. If you later
want to subscribe to this group, right-click the group name in the
Folders list and then click Subscribe.
you want to subscribe to the group, click the Subscribe button. You can
repeat this process for any other newsgroup subscriptions. In each
case, Outlook Express adds the name of the group to the Subscribed tab.
When you’re done, click OK to return to the main Outlook Express window.
Unsubscribing from a Newsgroup
If you get tired of a newsgroup, you can unsubscribe at any time by using either of the following techniques:
In the Newsgroup Subscriptions dialog box, display the Subscribed tab, select the newsgroup, and click Unsubscribe.
In the Outlook Express window, right-click the group name in the Folders list and then click Unsubscribe.