Oracle Coherence 3.5 : Accessing the data grid (part 2) - Configuring the development environment

7/23/2012 5:58:26 PM

Configuring the development environment

Before we can write our first Coherence application, we need to configure the development environment. This involves several steps, such as adding the necessary JAR files to the classpath, configuring the IDE to start Coherence nodes, and specifying configuration parameters that will ensure that each developer has a private Coherence cluster for development and testing.

Most of the examples in this section are specific to IntelliJ IDEA, which is the IDE that I am most familiar with. However, adapting them to Eclipse or any other IDE should be trivial-the principles are the same, even if the mechanics are slightly different.

Referencing necessary JAR files

In a day and age when every library seems to come with so many dependencies that we need build tools like Maven and Ivy to help us put everything together, you might be surprised to find out that Coherence has no external dependencies. For the most part, all you need is a reference to a single JAR file, coherence.jar, which can be found in the COHERENCE_HOME/lib directory.

You should also configure the API documentation by pointing your IDE to the COHERENCE_HOME/doc/api directory. This will allow you to access documentation for Coherence classes within your IDE.

For example, a fully configured project-level library referencing Coherence should look similar to the following in IntelliJ IDEA:

For example, Coherence provides a distributed implementation of CommonJ Work Manager specification. In order to use it you need to include both commonj.jar and coherence-work.jar into the classpath.

Similarly, if you want to use Hibernate, Oracle TopLink, or JPA integration for persistence, you will need to include coherence-hibernate.jar, coherence-toplink.jar, or coherence-jpa.jar respectively, as well as any JAR files required by the persistence provider of your choice.

Enabling IntelliSense for configuration files

Another thing you will likely want to configure in your IDE is the IntelliSense for Coherence configuration files.

Coherence uses a set of XML-based files for configuration. We will cover these files in more detail a bit later, but at the moment it should suffice to say that all of them have a corresponding DTD file within the coherence.jar file.

Most IDEs can take the advantage of that fact and provide assistance when editing XML documents, based on information in a DTD file. However, more likely than not, you will need to tell your IDE where to find the DTD files.

With IDEA, you need to create external resource definitions that point to the files within the coherence.jar file:

With other IDEs the process might be somewhat different, and you might need to extract these three DTD files from coherence.jar and place them in a location that will be accessible to everyone on the team.

Starting Coherence nodes within the IDE

So far we have used the cache-server shell script to start Coherence nodes, but that is not the most convenient way to do so during development.

For one, you will likely start and restart your development cluster many times a day, and switching between your IDE and a number of terminal windows all the time is not the most productive way to work.

Second, you will need to add your application's classes and any third-party libraries they depend on to the classpath of each Coherence node. While you could copy and edit the cache-server shell script to include necessary classes and JAR files into the classpath (and you will need to do so before deploying to production), this tends to be quite cumbersome during development.

Fortunately, as I mentioned earlier, Coherence is a regular Java application, which makes it quite simple to start within the IDE. If you look at the cache-server shell script, you will see that it really doesn't do much-it sets heap size and classpath, and launches com.tangosol.net.DefaultCacheServer using server JVM.

Doing the same within any IDE should be trivial. The following screenshot shows a sample configuration in IntelliJ IDEA:

As you can see, I have configured the cache server to use server JVM and 64 MB of heap. This is significantly lower than the 512 MB allocated by the cache-server script, but it should be more than enough for development, as you will likely not use the complete data set. In any case, you can adjust heap size to fit your needs.

Now that we have DefaultCacheServer configured, we can launch as many nodes as we need within the IDE by simply clicking on a toolbar button. The following screenshot shows two Coherence nodes running within IntelliJ IDEA:

Creating a private cluster

One thing you will definitely want to do while working with Coherence is to ensure that each developer uses a private cluster on their own machine. The very fact that Coherence clusters so seamlessly can lead to some head scratching during development if this is not done.

Just recently a colleague of mine and I were working on two independent tasks, but we both had a few Coherence nodes running on our laptops. The initial implementation of the code he was working on had a trivial bug that loaded objects of a wrong type into one of the caches. He quickly fixed the bug, restarted the nodes on his machine, and was surprised to find out that the invalid objects were still in the cache, although now in addition to the objects of the correct type.

Fortunately, I was sitting right next to him and it didn't take us long to figure out what was going on and fix the problem. Basically, even though he restarted the nodes on his machine before rerunning the tests, the cluster as a whole, and the data within it survived because there were other nodes running on my laptop.

Even though the impact in this case was minimal, the situation might have been different if I was sitting in another office, so it is extremely important to create developer "sandboxes" when working with Coherence. It is also the reason why you need to pay close attention to the information within the MasterMemberSet section when starting Coherence nodes, and to investigate if the result does not match your expectations.

If you were wondering what that tangosol.coherence.ttl system property I specified when configuring DefaultCacheServer within the IDE meant, it is one of the ways to limit cluster reach. By setting it to zero, you can effectively limit multicast packets to a single machine and ensure that your cluster remains private.

If you are using Well-Known Addresses instead of multicast, you can achieve the same goal by setting the tangosol.coherence.wka system property to localhost.

That said, using system properties is only one way to configure Coherence, and in this case probably not the best. The issue is that you need to remember to specify the property in every run configuration you create, and to make sure that each developer does the same for configurations that are not shared. This creates a lot of opportunities for human error, and chances are that sooner or latter someone will forget to specify the necessary system property.

The good news is that you can achieve the same goal using configuration files, which can be committed into the source control repository and shared by the whole team. In addition, settings specified within the configuration files will apply automatically to all run/debug configurations that you create in your IDE.

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