Booting on HP 9000 Servers (part 1) - Boot Process Overview, The BCH Commands Including PathFlags on PA-RISC

9/26/2012 7:22:13 PM

Boot Process Overview

The boot process on a PA-RISC system can be reduced in its simplest form to three steps. I provide a quick description of the three steps and then look at some example boot processes so that you can see these three steps in action. The following is a description of the three steps:

PDCHP-UX systems come with firmware installed called Processor Dependent Code. After the system is powered on or the processor is RESET, the PDC runs self-test operations and initializes the processor. PDC also identifies the console path so it can provide messages and accept input. PDC would then begin the “autoboot” process unless you interrupt it during the 10-second interval that is supplied. If you interrupt the “autoboot” process, you can issue a variety of commands. The interface to PDC commands is called the Boot Console Handler (BCH). This is sometimes a point of confusion; that is, are we issuing PDC commands or BCH commands? The commands are normally described as PDC commands, and the interface through which you execute them is the BCH.
ISLThe Initial System Loader is run after PDC. You would normally just run an “autoboot” sequence from ISL; however, you can run a number of commands from the ISL prompt.
hpuxThe hpux utility manages loading the HP-UX kernel and gives control to the kernel. ISL can have hpux run an “autoexecute” file, or commands can be given interactively. In most situations, you would just want to automatically boot the system; however, I cover some of the hpux commands you can execute. This is sometimes called the Secondary System Loader (SSL).

I find that there is a lot of confusion related to the boot process for new system administrators. To begin with, there is not much documentation that comes with new systems related to HP system boot. Second, without any background on the boot process, it is difficult to determine at which phase of the boot your system is at any given time. Table 2-1 shows some system states and the corresponding prompts that you can expect for each state in roughly the order you might see them at the time of system boot.

Table 2-1. System Boot Prompts
Boot State of SystemPrompt
Boot Console Handler (BCH) Seen when you discontinue boot within 10 seconds. Used to perform PDC-related work.Main Menu: Enter command or menu >
Initial System Loader (ISL) Seen after PDC-related work.ISL> ?
hpux Prompt varies. You usually issue hpux command at ISL prompt to boot. This is sometimes called the Secondary System Loader (SSL).Varies depending on the state of the system.
Management Processor (MP)MP>

There is only one way to describe the boot process and that is through example. The boot of a system with minimal hardware will be covered in the upcoming sections. I choose the boot of a system with minimal hardware so we're not bogged down in hardware-related details, but focus on the boot process. The messages supplied as a result of booting this modest system allows us to focus on the boot process rather than on the many hardware components. The boot process consists of mostly the same steps for any HP system, so you can apply this information to your system. It may be, however, that you have a much larger system with more components that will produce more lengthy boot messages.

The BCH Commands Including PathFlags on PA-RISC

The Boot Console Handler (BCH) is an important part of working with nPartitions and HP-UX on PA-RISC systems. Many commands can be issued through BCH, but I cover just a couple of the most commonly used commands. Figure 1 shows the high-level steps involved in booting an nPartition on an HP 9000 (PA-RISC system). The figure depicts the progression of steps starting at the top and working it's way down to the bottom.

Figure 1. Boot Steps on the HP 9000 Server From the Top Down

BCH is the primary way to interact with an nPartition at boot time. The steps and interfaces of the boot process meld together. There are a few different interfaces and levels of boot through which you work. When you get to the main menu of the Management Processor and issue commands you are using BCH. When you get past BCH, you reach ISL, which is considered the next step of the boot process beyond BCH. Then, you reach the Secondary System Loader by issuing the hpux command, which attempts to load the kernel. You need to know at what level of the boot process you are working so you can issue the appropriate commands.

I'll connect to BCH, after rendezvous, through Consoles in the following examples. Because this is done through the console the information provided is for the specific processor nPartition to which the console is connected.

In the first example, I issue in to go to the information menu and then get information on the io and pr and then go back to the Main Menu with ma from BCH:

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > in  <-- Select information menu at BCH

---- Information Menu --------------------------------------------------------

     Command                           Description
     -------                           -----------
     ALL [<cell>]                      Display all of the information
     BootINfo                          Display boot-related information
     CAche [<cell>]                    Display cache information
     ChipRevisions [<cell>]            Display revisions of major VLSI
     ComplexID                         Display Complex information
     FwrVersion [<cell>]               Display version for PDC, ICM, and Complex

     IO [<cell>]                       Display I/O interface information
     MEmory [<cell>]                   Display memory information
     PRocessor [<cell>]                Display processor information

     BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|<path>]         Boot from specified path
     DIsplay                           Redisplay the current menu
     HElp [<command>]                  Display help for specified command
     REBOOT                            Restart Partition
     RECONFIGRESET                     Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile
     MAin                              Return to Main Menu
Information Menu: Enter command > io          <-- Obtain I/O information


   Cell Info             I/O Chassis Info

Cell   Cab/Slot        Cab    Bay   Chassis
----   --------        ---    ---   -------
  0      0/0            0      0      0


                    Path            Slot   Rope                         IODC
Type                (dec)            #      #     HVERSION   SVERSION   Vers
----                -----           ----   ----   --------   --------   ----
System Bus Adapter  0/0                            0x8050     0x0c18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/0            0       0     0x7820     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/1            8       1     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/2            7       2     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/4            6       4     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/6            5       6     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/8            1       8     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/10           2      10     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/12           3      12     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00
Local Bus Adapter   0/0/14           4      14     0x7830     0x0a18    0x00


                            Path              Bus    Slot      Vendor   Device
Description                 (dec)              #      #          Id       Id
-----------                 -----             ---   ------     ------   ------
Communications dev          0/0/0/0/0         0     Built-In   0x103c   0x1290
Comm. serial cntlr          0/0/0/0/1         0     Built-In   0x103c   0x1048
SCSI bus cntlr              0/0/0/3/0         0     Built-In   0x1000   0x0021
SCSI bus cntlr              0/0/0/3/1         0     Built-In   0x1000   0x0021
PCI-to-PCI bridge           0/0/8/1/0         64      1        0x1014   0x01a7
SCSI bus cntlr              0/0/8/1/0/1/0     65      1        0x1000   0x0021
SCSI bus cntlr              0/0/8/1/0/1/1     65      1        0x1000   0x0021
Ethernet cntlr              0/0/8/1/0/4/0     65      1        0x14e4   0x1645
PCI-to-PCI bridge           0/0/10/1/0        80      2        0x1014   0x01a7
Fibre channel               0/0/10/1/0/4/0    81      2        0x1077   0x2312
Ethernet cntlr              0/0/10/1/0/6/0    81      2        0x14e4   0x16c7
PCI-to-PCI bridge           0/0/12/1/0        96      3        0x1014   0x01a7
Fibre channel               0/0/12/1/0/4/0    97      3        0x1077   0x2312
Ethernet cntlr              0/0/12/1/0/6/0    97      3        0x14e4   0x16c7

Information Menu: Enter command > pr   <-- Obtain processor information

        Cab/                                                     Processor
 Cell   Slot   CPU    Speed     HVERSION   SVERSION   CVERSION     State
 ----   ----   ---   --------   --------   --------   --------  --------------
   0    0/0    0A    1000  MHz   0x8830     0x0491     0x0302    Active
               0B    1000  MHz   0x8830     0x0491     0x0302    Idle

             Partition Total Cells: 1
        Partition Total Processors: 2
       Partition Active Processors: 2
 Partition Deconfigured Processors: 0

Information Menu: Enter command > ma         <-- Return to the Main Menu

---- Main Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------

     Command                           Description
     -------                           -----------
     BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|<path>]         Boot from specified path
     PAth [PRI|HAA|ALT] [<path>]       Display or modify a path
     SEArch [ALL|<cell>|<path>]        Search for boot devices
     ScRoll [ON|OFF]                   Display or change scrolling capability

     COnfiguration menu                Displays or sets boot values
     INformation menu                  Displays hardware information
     SERvice menu                      Displays service commands

     DIsplay                           Redisplay the current menu
     HElp [<menu>|<command>]           Display help for menu or command
     REBOOT                            Restart Partition
     RECONFIGRESET                     Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile


One I/O chassis (0/0) in this nPartition has several cards in it, as shown in the io command. The I/O chassis connected to a cell board is fully devoted to that nPartition. This means that all the cards in the I/O chassis are used by the nPartition. With Virtual Partitions the cards within an I/O chassis can be used for different vPars. In addition, device files and the mapping of a slot to a Local Bus Adapter (LBA), which is important to know,  which covers devices.

There are two processors in the nPartition, one of which is idle, as shown in the pr output. As you can see, a lot of additional information can be obtained from the Information Menu. I always issue the commands shown to get information on the hardware of the system to include as part of the partition documentation.

Next, I go to the Configuration Menu with co and issue a variety of commands related to booting:

Configuration Menu: Enter command > co  <-- Go to the configuration menu

---- Configuration Menu ------------------------------------------------------

     Command                           Description
     -------                           -----------
     BootID [<cell>[<cpu>[<bootid>]]]  Display or set Boot Identifier
     BootTimer [0-200]                 Seconds allowed for boot attempt
     COreCell [<choice> <cell>]        Display or set core cell
     CPUconfig [<cell>[<cpu>[ON|OFF]]] Config/Deconfig processor
     DataPrefetch [ENABLE|DISABLE]     Display or set data prefetch behavior
     DEfault                           Set the Partition to predefined values
     FastBoot [test][RUN|SKIP]         Display or set boot tests execution
     KGMemory [<value>]                Display or set KGMemory requirement
     PathFlags [PRI|HAA|ALT] [<value>] Display or set Boot Path Flags
     PD [<name>]                       Display or set Partition name values
      ResTart [ON|OFF]                  Set Partition Restart Policy
     TIme [cn:yr:mo:dy:hr:mn:[ss]]     Read or set the real time clock
     ZLco [ON|OFF]                     Display or set ZLCO behavior

     BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|<path>]         Boot from specified path
     DIsplay                           Redisplay the current menu
     HElp [<command>]                  Display help for specified command
     REBOOT                            Restart Partition
     RECONFIGRESET                     Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile
     MAin                              Return to Main Menu
Configuration Menu: Enter command > FastBoot skip         <-- Employ fastboot

Selftest      Setting
-----------   -------
PDH           SKIP
EARLY cpu     SKIP
LATE cpu      SKIP

Configuration Menu: Enter command > PathFlags              <-- View PathFlags

     Primary Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Skip this path.
                         Go to next path.

HA Alternate Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Skip this path.
                         Go to next path.

   Alternate Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Skip this path.
                         Go to BCH.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > PathFlags PRI 2      <-- Boot primary,
					go to next on failure

     Primary Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Boot from this path.
                         If unsuccessful, go to next path.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > PathFlags HAA 2<-- Boot HA alternate,
					go to next on failure

HA Alternate Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Boot from this path.
                         If unsuccessful, go to next path.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > PathFlags ALT 1<-- Boot alternate,
					go to BCH on failure

   Alternate Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Boot from this path.
                         If unsuccessful, go to BCH.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > PathFlags            <-- View PathFlags

     Primary Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Boot from this path.
                         If unsuccessful, go to next path.

HA Alternate Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Boot from this path.
                         If unsuccessful, go to next path.

   Alternate Boot Path Action
          Boot Actions:  Boot from this path.
                         If unsuccessful, go to BCH.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > ma                   <-- Go to main menu

---- Main Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------

     Command                           Description
     -------                           -----------
     BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|<path>]         Boot from specified path
     PAth [PRI|HAA|ALT] [<path>]       Display or modify a path
     SEArch [ALL|<cell>|<path>]        Search for boot devices
     ScRoll [ON|OFF]                   Display or change scrolling capability

     COnfiguration menu                Displays or sets boot values
     INformation menu                  Displays hardware information
     SERvice menu                      Displays service commands

     DIsplay                           Redisplay the current menu
     HElp [<menu>|<command>]           Display help for menu or command
     REBOOT                            Restart Partition
     RECONFIGRESET                     Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile


Many more commands can be issued from the Configuration Menu beyond the selections that I made. The first command that I issued was to employ Fastboot skip, which skips tests at boot time.

The next series of commands set boot flags. The process of setting up the boot options is important. If your primary boot devices is not available, it is important for you to specify the alternate devices you have set up. Table 2 summarizes some of the settings that you can issue related to boot flags.

Table 2. MP and HP-UX Boot Paths
PathFlags PRI 2Set the primary to 2. The following are definitions of the numbers:

0 - Go directly to BCH without trying to boot.

1 - Boot from this path and go to BCH on a failure.

2 - Boot from this path and go to the next boot path, if one is defined, on a failure. If not, go to BCH.

3 - Skip this path and go to the next boot path, if one is defined. If not, go to BCH.
PathFlags HAA 2Set the High Availability Alternative (HAA) to 2.
PathFlags ALT 1Set the Alternate to 1.
nPartition equivalents to the BCH definitions:

PRI = -b (primary)

HAA = -t (alternate)

ALT = -s (secondary)
The -b, -t, and -s are used by HP-UX commands such as parcreate and parmodify to specify the primary, alternate, and secondary boot paths. Note that these are different than the names used by BCH.
setboot equivalents to the BCH definitions:

primary = -p (primary)

high availability = -h (alternate-path)

alternate = -a (alternate)

autoboot = -b on|off

autosearch = -s on|off

tests = -t testname on|off

verbose output = -v
The -p, -a, and -b are used by setboot at the HP-UX prompt to control the primary, alternate, and autoboot parameters. Run setboot -v to see the current settings.
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