iOS 6 brings some new features such as Facebook integration,
Safari improvement, call application..., but it eliminates Google Maps.
iOS 6 which doesn’t bring any big difference as iOS4 up to
iOS 5 may be considered as a slight upgrade of Apple with some new features for
iOS operating system. In fact, users don’t feel much different but according to
Apple, they still carry out 200 changes on iOS6 compared to current iOS 5.
There are many new features and advantages that Apple
promises to deliver to users in the latest iOS version such as Siri, maps,
FaceTime, Mail or improvements on the interface. However, with Vietnamese
users, if considering what iOS 6 is bringing, it is not really a necessary upgrade
over the current iOS 5 while there are still some problems existing.
Nevertheless, till September this year, Apple will
officially launch official iOS 6 and then, features on the new version may be
completed and suitable with all users. To experience iOS 6 now, users need
iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, 4S or iPad 2012, iPad 2, iPod Touch Gen 4 registered UDID
code with the developer of Apple to install Beta version and enable the device
for normal use.
Useful changes
Facebook integration

Facebook integration
Facebook integrated deeply into the system is the new
feature and also brings many benefits to users of iOS new version. It carries
much convenience to users when updating status and uploading images to Facebook
becomes easier and faster. After setting up Facebook account in “Setting”,
users just need to scroll Notification bar, click to “Tap to post” and then a
Pop-up emerges for you to post content and share on your personal page.
In the past, to upload photos to your personal wall, you
need some applications from third party or Facebook Camera. Now with iOS 6,
users can upload multiple files at once to an available album or create a new
album. Deep Facebook integration allows Facebook contacts to connect to
phonebook to help users manage friends’ information more simply. Profile
picture on social networks also can be set as avatar of the phonebook. Deeper
integration enables users to like applications, games in App Store or songs,
videos in iTunes.
New features in

New features in
Setting is changed slightly in the interface by Apple.
Bluetooth on/off button is brought to the outside. Meanwhile, “Location
Service” has been eliminated and Apple adds another brand new part, “Privacy”.
On iOS, Apple begins to control whether third-party application will access to
location service, phonebook, personal calendar, reminder of images. This will
help users protect their personal data better. In addition, since the first
time using a new application, iOS 6 will warn and ask users if they allow this
application to access their personal data or not.
A new feature appearing in Setting is “Not bother”. This
mode enables the machine to be completely off all notifications from mobile
phone, messages and third-party applications. Users can set timeframe for this
mode to be activated automatically, for example, when users are sleeping from
12 pm to 6 am every day.
“Not bother” mode is quite smart when users can turn off
this mode for important contacts. Also, when receiving two calls in the same
row from a contact in 3 minutes, “Not bother” mode also can be automatically
off for the contact trying to connect.
Phone application and

Phone application
and FaceTime
A more significant change on iOS 6 is FaceTime. Not only do
users use Wi-Fi connection, they can also take advantage of 3G data to chat
with images. However, FaceTime via 3G is only activated in iPad 2012 and iPhone
4S. In old series such as iPhone 4 and iPad 2, FaceTime is only available on
Wi-Fi. Testing via 3G on 4S and iPad 2012, FaceTime connects similarly to
Wi-Fi, does not waste too much time and images are quite clear.
For iPhone, phone application has changed the phone keypad
interface, switching from black to white tone. Polite reject call mode is
added. When there is a phone call, users select to reject politely by text sms
or temporarily refuse and the phone will report back later.