Up until now, the image drawing that you
performed simply displays a texture on the screen in the same place each
time the Draw method is called. It
would be really nice to be able to move the picture around the screen
and maybe even zoom in on it. You might even find that these abilities
give you an idea for a game.
1. Zooming In on an Image
When you wrote your image display program, you created a variable called jakeRect of type Rectangle. This rectangle was the destination of the draw action. The size of the rectangle was set to the full screen in the Initialize method, as follows:
protected override void Initialize()
gameSpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphics.GraphicsDevice);
jakeRect = new Rectangle(
0, // X position of top left hand corner
0, // Y position of top left hand corner
GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, // rectangle width
GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); // rectangle height
When the Draw method ran, it drew the image texture in the jakeRect rectangle:
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
gameSpriteBatch.Draw(jakeTexture, jakeRect, Color.White);
Now you change the way that the picture is drawn by changing the values in jakeRect
as the program runs. XNA can resize the picture for you so that you can
move and scale your picture very easily. You start by adding the
following Update method to the display program:
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
// Allows the game to exit
if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
Each time the Update
method is called, the width and height fields of the rectangle are
increased by one. These fields are the data members inside the rectangle
that represent the rectangle dimensions. You get a hold of a field in
an object by giving the identifier of the variable a period character
(.) and then the name of the field you wish to use. Remember that this
is the rectangle that describes where you want Jake to be drawn, so
changing the size of this rectangle changes the size of the image on the
Microsoft XNA does not
care about the fact that you’re "drawing off the screen" and simply
shows you the part of the picture that fits on the screen. Figure 1 shows what the screen looks like after a program using this Update method has been running for a few seconds.
If you leave the
program running a very long time, it only zooms in on a particular blade
of grass, but it does show how you can change the way that images are
placed on the screen.
can use this zooming ability to create a game. Rather than starting
with a picture and then zooming in on it, you could start with a zoomed
image and slowly pull back (zoom out) to reveal more and more of the
picture. The first person to correctly identify the picture wins the
game. This game is quite fun, particularly if the images are ones that
are familiar to the players.