Photoshop’s list of automation features is
impressive, and it gets longer and better with each new version of the
program. One of the features that will come in handy is the ability to
convert a multi-page PDF directly into multiple Photoshop image files.
For example, you have this great Adobe PDF document that contains images
you want to use in a Photoshop design. The PDF format is a versatile
file format that can contain both vector and bitmap data, as well as
electronic document search and navigation features. Some PDF files
contain a single image, while other PDF files contain multiple pages and
images. When you open a PDF file, you can choose which pages to open,
as well as specify a specific rasterization process (how to convert the
image from vector to raster). Although Adobe moved this process from the
Automation panel to the Open dialog box, it still rates a spot in
Work with Multi-Page PDF to PSD