iPhone 3D Programming : Holodeck Sample (part 3) - Handling the Heads-Up Display

3/25/2011 9:08:13 AM

3. Handling the Heads-Up Display

Most applications that need to render a HUD take the following approach when rendering a single frame of animation:

  1. Issue a glClear.

  2. Set up the model-view and projection matrices for the 3D scene.

  3. Render the 3D scene.

  4. Disable depth testing, and enable blending.

  5. Set up the model-view and projection matrices for 2D rendering.

  6. Render the HUD.


Always remember to completely reset your transforms at the beginning of the render routine; otherwise, you’ll apply transformations that are left over from the previous frame. For example, calling glFrustum alone simply multiplies the current matrix, so you might need to issue a glLoadIdentity immediately before calling glFrustum.

Let’s go ahead and modify the Render method to render buttons; replace the ellipses in Example 5 with the code in Example 7.

Example 7. Adding buttons to Holodeck
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textures.Button);
glOrthof(-160, 160, -240, 240, 0, 1);

if (buttons & ButtonFlagsShowHorizontal) {
glTranslatef(200, 0, 0);
SetButtonAlpha(buttons, ButtonFlagsPressingLeft);
glTranslatef(-400, 0, 0);
glRotatef(180, 0, 0, 1);
SetButtonAlpha(buttons, ButtonFlagsPressingRight);
glRotatef(-180, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(200, 0, 0);

if (buttons & ButtonFlagsShowVertical) {
glTranslatef(0, 125, 0);
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
SetButtonAlpha(buttons, ButtonFlagsPressingUp);
glTranslatef(0, -250, 0);
glRotatef(180, 0, 0, 1);
SetButtonAlpha(buttons, ButtonFlagsPressingDown);
glRotatef(90, 0, 0, 1);
glTranslatef(0, 125, 0);

glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);

Note that Example 7 contains quite a few transform operations; while this is fine for teaching purposes, in a production environment I recommend including all four buttons in a single VBO. You’d still need four separate draw calls, however, since the currently pressed button has a unique alpha value.

In fact, making this optimization would be an interesting project: create a single VBO that contains all four pretransformed buttons, and then render it with four separate draw calls. Don’t forget that the second argument to glDrawArrays can be nonzero!

The SetButtonAlpha method sets alpha to one if the button is being pressed; otherwise, it makes the button semitransparent:

void RenderingEngine::SetButtonAlpha(ButtonMask buttonFlags, 
ButtonFlags flag) const
float alpha = (buttonFlags & flag) ? 1.0 : 0.75;
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, alpha);

Next let’s go over the code in that detects button presses and maintains the azimuth/altitude angles. See Example 8 for the GLView class declaration and Example 9 for the interesting potions of the class implementation.

Example 8. GLView.h for Holodeck
#import "Interfaces.hpp"
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>

@interface GLView : UIView {
IRenderingEngine* m_renderingEngine;
IResourceManager* m_resourceManager;
EAGLContext* m_context;
bool m_paused;
float m_theta;
float m_phi;
vec2 m_velocity;
ButtonMask m_visibleButtons;
float m_timestamp;

- (void) drawView: (CADisplayLink*) displayLink;


Example 9. for Holodeck

- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame
m_paused = false;
m_theta = 0;
m_phi = 0;
m_velocity = vec2(0, 0);
m_visibleButtons = ButtonFlagsShowHorizontal | ButtonFlagsShowVertical;

if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
CAEAGLLayer* eaglLayer = (CAEAGLLayer*) self.layer;
eaglLayer.opaque = YES;

EAGLRenderingAPI api = kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES1;
m_context = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:api];

if (!m_context || ![EAGLContext setCurrentContext:m_context]) {
[self release];
return nil;

m_resourceManager = CreateResourceManager();

NSLog(@"Using OpenGL ES 1.1");
m_renderingEngine = CreateRenderingEngine(m_resourceManager);

fromDrawable: eaglLayer];

m_timestamp = CACurrentMediaTime();

[self drawView:nil];

CADisplayLink* displayLink;
displayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self

[displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
return self;

- (void) drawView: (CADisplayLink*) displayLink
if (m_paused)

if (displayLink != nil) {
const float speed = 30;
float elapsedSeconds = displayLink.timestamp - m_timestamp;
m_timestamp = displayLink.timestamp;
m_theta -= speed * elapsedSeconds * m_velocity.x;
m_phi += speed * elapsedSeconds * m_velocity.y;

ButtonMask buttonFlags = m_visibleButtons;
if (m_velocity.x < 0) buttonFlags |= ButtonFlagsPressingLeft;
if (m_velocity.x > 0) buttonFlags |= ButtonFlagsPressingRight;
if (m_velocity.y < 0) buttonFlags |= ButtonFlagsPressingUp;
if (m_velocity.y > 0) buttonFlags |= ButtonFlagsPressingDown;

m_renderingEngine->Render(m_theta, m_phi, buttonFlags);
[m_context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER];

bool buttonHit(CGPoint location, int x, int y)
float extent = 32;
return (location.x > x - extent && location.x < x + extent &&
location.y > y - extent && location.y < y + extent);

- (void) touchesBegan: (NSSet*) touches withEvent: (UIEvent*) event
UITouch* touch = [touches anyObject];
CGPoint location = [touch locationInView: self];
float delta = 1;

if (m_visibleButtons & ButtonFlagsShowVertical) {
if (buttonHit(location, 35, 240))
m_velocity.y = -delta;
else if (buttonHit(location, 285, 240))
m_velocity.y = delta;

if (m_visibleButtons & ButtonFlagsShowHorizontal) {
if (buttonHit(location, 160, 40))
m_velocity.x = -delta;
else if (buttonHit(location, 160, 440))
m_velocity.x = delta;

- (void) touchesEnded: (NSSet*) touches withEvent: (UIEvent*) event
m_velocity = vec2(0, 0);

At this point, you now have a complete app that lets you look around inside a (rather boring) virtual world, but it’s still a far cry from augmented reality!
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