Displacement Maps

6/23/2012 10:57:17 AM

Find out how to add an artistic edge to your shots using displacement maps in Elements.

‘There really is no limit to what you can transform with this technique, it’s applicable to all genres.’

Description:  Use The Displace Filter & Displacement Maps To Make A Realistic

Use The Displace Filter & Displacement Maps To Make A Realistic

Follow along with this nine-step tutorial and discover just how easy it is to wrap artwork onto any subject in your shots. There really is no limit to what you can transform with this technique, it’s applicable to all genres including portraits, landscapes and still-life captures.

Find out how you can add an artistic wrap at home using the same start image that we are, which can be downloaded from the CD, or alternatively use one of your own. We’ll then take you through all the necessary steps to create a displacement map using levels before running the displace filter on your final shot. We’ve opted to add a flag effect, however, you can use any form of artwork to get the same great results. Finally, we’ll cover how to blend all the layers together to form a convincing finished capture.

You don’t have to be an advanced image editor to achieve the same results at home, as we’ll be taking you step-by-step through the entire editing process. To show you just how easy it is, we’re using Photoshop Elements software to create the imaginative effect that many think is only possible in Photoshop. However, the same steps can still be applied in both software programs.

1.    Prepare your layers

Description: Prepare your layers

Prepare your layers

Open the image you want to transform in Elements and duplicate it via File>Duplicate. Rename your new layer ‘Map’ and then click on it to begin adjustments. Now convert the image to grayscale via Image>Mode>Grayscale.

2.    Amplify contrast

Description: Amplify contrast

Amplify contrast

In order for the displacement map to work you need to ensure there is enough definition in your grayscale image. Go to Enhance>Adjust Lighting>Levels. Increase contrast by adjusting the shadows/midtones/highlight sliders along the bottom.

3.    Add a blur

Description: Add a blur

Add a blur

Now add blur to your map image via Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Select preview then increase the radius to around 1.8 pixels. You can now save your map layer onto your desktop as a Photoshop file then close it in Elements and click back to the original colour image.

4.    Adjust the layout

Description: Adjust the layout

Adjust the layout

Open the Union Jack image and drag it on top of the car shot to create a separate layer. Now select the flag layer and reduce its opacity so that you can move it over the car to decide how the pattern should appear when it’s overlaid.

5.    Transform the flag

Description: Transform the flag

Transform the flag

Go to the Free Transform tool via Image>Transform>Free Transform to adjust the flag’s size and shape to suit the car. When you’re happy, bring the layer’s opacity back up to 100% and go to Filter>Distort>Displace.

6.    Displace filter

Description: Displace filter

Displace filter

In the Displace dialog box change both the horizontal and vertical scales to 25 then click Stretch To Fit and repeat edge pixels. It will now ask you to select your displacement map, which is the grayscale map image you saved earlier.

7.    Blending mode

Description: Blending mode

Blending mode

Once the displace filter has finished, change your flag layer’s Blending mode to overlay. Now select the Eraser tool from the Tools palette on the left-hand side and adjust it to have a suitable head size with a soft edge and high-opacity setting.

8.    Refine the edges

Description: Refine the edges

Refine the edges

Zoom into your image and slowly begin erasing parts of the flag from the windows, tyres, lights and road. Adjust the brush size accordingly to avoid removing too much when working around the edges. Once finished, flatten your layer via Layer>Flatten Image.

9.    Save your image

Description: Save your image

Save your image

To add a little more drama and contrast to the scene go to Enhance>Image Lighting>Brightness/Contrast and carefully adjust the sliders to suit the shot. Finally, save your image as a JPEG file and share.

Description: Before: Transform a seemingly straightforward shot of a car like this into a piece of art using the Displace filter

Before: Transform a seemingly straightforward shot of a car like this into a piece of art using the Displace filter

After: Create a statement shot with any image using the same nine simple tutorial steps

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