
Ditch Your Laptop For Your Phone (Part 1)

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12/15/2012 9:28:17 AM

Mobile technology is always pushing new boundaries, and the lines between today's smartphones and laptops are often blurred. Many of the functions you expect to find on a laptop are now readily available on most Android smartphones, and in some cases, offer a suitable replacement for a low-end laptop. There are drawbacks when using your smartphone as a laptop replacement, however, and the size and power of a laptop is unrivalled in comparison to any Android device.

In the following tutorials we'll guide you through some of the fundamental ways you can start using your smartphone as a suitable replacement for your laptop. We'll take you through the process of creating documents on your device, and how you can also take advantage of cloud storage. PC gaming is graphically streets ahead, but we'll show you how you can use OnLive to get a similar experience on your phone. Finally, we'll show you the best web browser that matches anything a laptop can offer, and the best way to watch your movies and TV shows on your device.

Many of the functions you expect to find on a laptop are now readily available on most Android smartphones, and in some cases, offer a suitable replacement for a low-end laptop

Many of the functions you expect to find on a laptop are now readily available on most Android smartphones, and in some cases, offer a suitable replacement for a low-end laptop

PC apps & accessories

1.    Make up for the lack of physical keyboard on your smartphone by purchasing an Android compatible Bluetooth keyboard. Newer wireless keyboards can be folded up, making them easier to travel with and store.

2.    There are several established pieces of computer software that have made their way on to Android devices in app form. Adobe Photoshop Touch is an example, and although it isn't as complete as its desktop companion, it still has plenty of features to explore.

3.    If you're careful with how you use your device, chances are you won't need to install a costly antivirus suite. There are plenty to choose from if you do find you need one, however.

4.    If you want a quick and easy way of transferring all your music in iTunes over to your smartphone, use the AirSync app. This will send all your music across and even let you listen to them in a third party music player.

5.    Nothing beats the feeling of using a desktop mouse, so take advantage of your device's micro USB port and plug a desktop mouse in via a USB adapter. This will make browsing the web, and your phone in general, easier.

Create documents quickly and easily

Get full document, spreadsheet and PowerPoint access on your phone

Office suites

Office suites are becoming more common on the Google Play store, and although their desktop counterparts are a costly investment, there are plenty of free alternatives available for Android smartphones.

Not only are these suites perfect for creating any sort of document you need, but they also act as a great way to make last minute changes to your flies - especially useful if you're about to go in to an important meeting. Follow this tutorial as we guide you through the process of creating documents on your smartphone. For this tutorial we'll be using the brilliant Google Docs integration found within Google Drive's Android app.

1.    Create word documents

Creating documents on your smartphone is a very similar experience to creating word documents on your computer. Use the keyboard to type out your text, or use a Bluetooth keyboard for quicker typing. You can also format the text to your exact specifications.

2.    Make a spreadsheet

Although spreadsheets are a little more fiddly to create on your phone, it’s entirely possible through Google Drive. You can add new rows and sections to your spreadsheet, import text to your spreadsheet and even perform certain formulas for any maths-related projects you are creating.

3.    Access on more devices

Once you have created a document or spreadsheet using the Google Docs part of Drive, your files will automatically be uploaded to its server. This means you can now access your saved files on any other device where the Google Drive app has been installed.

4.    Use alternate apps

If you’re looking to create a PowerPoint presentation, then your best bet is to download the Kingsoft Office suite that enables you to create simple, but feature-packed presentations. Anything you create in Kingsoft Office can also be synced to Google Drive if need be.

Keeptabs on all your crucial files

Use a file manager to store and access all your documents, media and other vital information

File Manager

1.    Download the File Manager app from the Google Play store and open it up. From your home screen you’ll be able to see all your file directories, and access each one by pressing on them.

2.    Each directory will have certain types of files. Each file is listed and you can perform a variety of tasks. Through this app you can open them up, save to an external drive, or upload to a cloud-storage app.

3.    lf you have too many files on your device, use the search function at the top of the app to find specific ones. You can then perform the same functions as previously mentioned in step 2.

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