‘I like to break the rules to achieve
something different. If we all followed the manual we’d produce the same
mundane shot.’

Tree on Lochan na h-Achlaise
When it comes to shooting techniques, John
likes his images to incorporate a wide tonal range in the finish and have a
unique style. ‘I’m a bit of a maverick when it comes to technical aspects,’ he
says, ‘I like to break the rules to achieve something different. If we all
followed the manual we’d produce the same mundane shot. I try and think
differently as there is no point in being a derivative of someone else.’ One of
John’s most notable and well-known images in his portfolio is Lochan Na
H’Achlaise. John got up particularly early to take this shot and it’s poignant
because the small tree on the islet was snapped in two in a storm last year so
it will never look like that again. ‘It was a popular spot to shoot, but many
people have kindly told me they think it’s their definitive interpretation of
that location.’ John says. ‘This shot is featured in the Google 2011 Plus
One Collection book, which will be released Spring 2012 to raise money for

Highlands, Scotland - Lochan na h-Achlaise
This noteworthy image however isn’t the
photographer’s favourite and the one for him is the Last Snows Of Spring, made
in 2008 for his book Spirit. ‘It was pelting down with snow when I
reached the car park at the location, and you could only see five yards in
front of you.’ He says. ‘Something in me told me to climb the hillside anyway.
I’m glad I persevered because 15 minutes later the clouds broke and I captured
what has now become one of my most iconic shots.’
Although John finds he doesn’t technically
struggle when shooting landscapes there are couple of obstacles he has to get
around. ‘Shooting outdoors brings a few challenges, changeable weather mainly,’
he explains. ‘But the main difficulty is to interpret the location with your
own eye, even though it may have been photographed on numerous occasions
previously.’ John encountered this problem whilst shooting his book Spirit.
‘Because of the location and subject matter, people naturally made comparisons
with Ansel Adams’ work. I was genuinely humbled to be mentioned in the same
breath as such exalted company, but the encouraging thing was that the
comparisons were all extremely positive in that my imagery had its own unique

na h-Achlaise
Not only is John a superb photographer, but
the man is also is an inspiring and passionate teacher. He’s regularly hired
for private tuition, and his training sessions cover a vast range of subject
matter from photography shooting techniques, to colour management and Adobe
Lightroom. ‘If you can afford it, pay it,’ he states. ‘I have a client who
spent a day training with me, and he commented that he learned more in that day
than he had in two years of reading books and watching video tutorials.
Everyone agreed that his work improved greatly.’ The photographer is full of
useful tips and knowledgable advice and his years of experience shine through
when he is talking about the medium. He ends on a sound piece of advice for
other photographers wanting to follow in his footsteps. ‘Once you have had professional
help to master the basic, always, always, follow you own heart on how and why
you shoot. Developing your own style is the most important factor in defining
you work from others.’