Search with an image
Identify your old images with the
help of image search provided by Google.

can upload your picture to Google Image Search and it will show results for
similar images.
You have captured a landscape or a place of
interest and now are not able to remember the name of the place. In such a case
all you need to do is just attach your image to the Google image search engine
and find similar objects as well as the relevant text on each one of these. Go
to Google Images, now here click on the camera icon that you see on the right
in the search box. Now here you have three options, first you can either paste
the image URL, drag and drop the image in the search box or you can upload the
image form your computer. Then hit search. The search results will be different
from the regular image search results. Apart from the images it will also show
In principle, the comparative search
delivers an exact hit if there are exact matches available. Thus, Google
displays those places of interest which have a good recognition rate. For this
service, Google uses artificial vision technologies. The textures, colors and a
lot more are converted into a mathematical model for a better computer-supported
differentiation and for easy comparison with the recognized images. In addition
to this, similar text descriptions are found based on the corresponding image.
In this way, the service then identifies the name of the subject in the image.
The list of hits is thus made of optically similar or/and links that match
Retouch judiciously
Retouch digital photos only
moderately for best results.

the contrast is increased carefully the image finally becomes crisp without
losing the details.
Without doubt, with the help of Photoshop
you can achieve unbelievable effects. Of course if you go overboard then it
changes the character of the subject, mostly not for good. Over ambitious
retouching results in gaudy colors, unrealistic contrasts and subjects in which
even the liveliness is missing. Image editing is a tool to optimize the image,
but it needs to be done carefully.
To select the right function with few
side-effects, corresponding knowledge is necessary as well as the ability, to
properly "see" and interpret the self photographed image. Before
starting work on the image, give a thought as to what will make the image one
of a kind. And then on the basis of that go about editing the image, but
There are three basic rules that you need
to keep in mind and you can never go wrong. Firstly, use dynamic rather than
saturation control. The saturation control transforms photos way too fast;
instead use the dynamic control to achieve the desired results. Go easy when
using contrast. Using it judiciously will result in crisper images without
destroying the details. Thirdly, white balance is often underestimated.
A perfect white balance destroys the mood
of the image very quickly. Therefore try out various presets till the color
temperature is right.
Sometimes exaggerated effects are the
hallmark of an over-eager amateur, but they can always be used creatively for
stunning results.
19. Photoshop
Create Black & White images
You can easily create elegant Black
& White images with Adobe Photoshop.

Photoshop brings along extensive tools for transformation of color in to Black
& White.
You do not need additional Plug-ins to
create Black & White images. You can do so easily using Photoshop. Till
CS2, to create Black & White images you had to use "Channel
Mixer" option, but CS3 onwards there is a separate "Black &
White" option. You can adjust the conversion using eight color slide
controls to achieve the desired effect. Unfortunately there are no presets for
classic analog film characteristics. As a basis for imitation of photographic
grain the integrated art filter "graining and brightening" is the
most suitable.
"Black & white" can be called
up via "Image | Adjustments" or via the settings level. Conversion
affects the whole image. However, it is possible to restrict individual areas
through masks. You can also control the amount of luminosity in the Reds,
Yellows, Greens, Cyans, Blues and Magentas. Slide controls make the color tones
stronger or weaker to finally determine the effect of the picture. If you want
to add Sepia or monotone look then check the tint button and make adjustments
as desired.